1 August 2022 legislature

Parliamentary friendship groups are Assembly bodies that can be established in the National Assembly for the purpose of voluntary improvement of relations and cooperation of out country with other countries. When a parliamentary friendship group is established, mutually expressed interest in cooperation between Parliaments represents the staring point.

When an MP wishes to create a parliamentary friendship group, he/she submits an application to the Speaker of the National Assembly. The Foreign Affairs Committee makes a decision on the establishment, and selects a Head and members of parliamentary friendship groups; approves decisions on the exchange of visits with parliamentary friendship groups of representative bodies of other countries, and keeps a record of membership.

Parliamentary friendship group

Parliamentary friendship group Number of members
Albania 32
Algeria 16
Angola 13
Argentina 32
Armenia 18
Australia 25
Austria 90
Azerbaijan 35
Bahamas 14
Bahrain 13
Bangladesh 5
Belarus 40
Belgium 34
Bhutan 10
Bolivia 10
Bosnia and Herzegovina 93
Botswana 5
Brazil 61
Bulgaria 40
Burundi 10
Cabo Verde 8
Cambodia 8
Cameroon 15
Canada 28
Central African Republic 6
Chile 14
China 99
Colombia 7
Comoros 11
Congo 12
Costa Rica 6
Croatia 58
Cuba 45
Cyprus 57
Czech Republic 41
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 9
Democratic Republic of the Congo 11
Denmark 29
Djibouti 8
Dominican Republic 18
Ecuador 10
Egypt 52
El Salvador 5
Equatorial Guinea 8
Eritrea 9
Estonia 10
Eswatini 7
Ethiopia 20
Finland 16
France 87
Gabon 15
Gambia 7
Georgia 18
Germany 113
Ghana 10
Greece 86
Grenada 6
Guatemala 8
Guinea-Bissau 9
Guyana 9
Holy See 11
Honduras 6
Hungary 78
Iceland 24
India 36
Indonesia 27
Iran 28
Iraq 12
Ireland 24
Israel 52
Italy 93
Jamaica 10
Japan 65
Jordan 17
Kazakhstan 19
Kenya 6
Kuwait 21
Kyrgyzstan 8
Laos 5
Latvia 8
Lebanon 7
Lesotho 6
Liberia 6
Libya 11
Liechtenstein 10
Lithuania 8
Luxemburg 19
Madagascar 9
Malawi 8
Malaysia 31
Maldives 10
Mali 9
Malta 27
Mauritius 11
Mexico 27
Micronesia 5
Moldova 14
Mongolia 10
Montenegro 78
Morocco 36
Mozambique 5
Myanmar 16
Namibia 7
Nepal 6
Netherlands 39
Nicaragua 6
Nigeria 6
North Macedonia 64
Norway 42
Oman 6
Pakistan 10
Palestine 27
Panama 8
Paraguay 11
Peru 15
PFG with New Zealand and the Pacific Ocean Countries (Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Fiji, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands) 23
PFG with the Caribbean Countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Haiti, St. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis) 16
PFG with the Countries of Southeast Asia (Thailand, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, East Timor) 16
PFG with the Countries of Sub-Saharan Africa 9
Philippines 6
Poland 28
Portugal 46
Qatar 33
Republic of Korea 20
Romania 44
Russia 102
Rwanda 7
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5
Sao Tome and Principe 7
Saudi Arabia 21
Senegal 7
Sierra Leone 7
Slovakia 36
Slovenia 85
South African Republic 18
South Sudan 5
Sovereign Order of Malta 7
Spain 82
Sri Lanka 11
Sudan 8
Suriname 16
Sweden 51
Switzerland 66
Syria 16
Tajikistan 9
Togo 9
Trinidad and Tobago 15
Tunisia 25
Turkey 75
Turkmenistan 11
Uganda 6
Ukraine 30
United Arab Emirates 43
United Kingdom 69
United States of America 94
Uruguay 8
Uzbekistan 6
Venezuela 17
Vietnam 19
Zambia 8
Zimbabwe 12
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thursday, 23 january
  • 10.00 - the Chairman of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee meets with a delegation of agricultural experts, representatives of association and local self-governments (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 10.00 - public hearing of the Culture and Information Committee: Public interview of the proposed candidates for members of the Council of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, Small Hall)

  • 14.00 - the Chairperson of the European Integration Committee meets with the Swedish Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

  • 16.00 - sitting of the Culture and Information Committee (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 4)

Full event calendar