Activities in the area of regional cooperation

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the European Integration Committee participate in numerous regional activities and regional projects in the area of European Integration. Regional cooperation is implemented through activities of the Standing Delegation to the South-East European Cooperation Process Parliamentary Assembly (SEECP PA), cooperation with Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), through participation in the work of the Conference of the Parliamentary Committees on European Integration/Affairs of the States Participating in the Stabilisation and Association Process in South East Europe (COSAP), as well as through bilateral relations with parliaments of countries in the region.

The South-East European Cooperation Process Parliamentary Assembly was established on 10 May 2014, and represents institutionalisation of long term parliamentary cooperation of twelve participating states of the South-East European Cooperation Process.

The South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) was launched in 1996 with a view to transforming South East Europe into the region of stability, security and cooperation in line with European Integration course, and through promotion of mutual dialogue and cooperation at all levels and in the areas of common interest. Twelve countries participate in the work of SEECP as full members: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Greece, Croatia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey. The Republic of Serbia joined the SEECP activities in full capacity at the Skopje Summit held in October 2000. The founding document of the SEECP is the Charter of Good Neighbourly Relations, Stability, Security and Cooperation, signed in Bucharest in 2000.

The SEECP Parliamentary Dimension was launched at the Conference of Speakers of Parliament in Athens, 15-16 October 1997, when when a need arose for more intensive cooperation between parliaments, as a logical sequence of the already established cooperation at the governmental/ministerial level. Before establishing the Parliamentary Assembly, the SEECP Parliamentary Dimension had been taking place at the level of meetings of national coordinators, Working Group for promotion of the SEECP Parliament Dimension, annual Conference of Speakers of Parliament of the SEECP participating states, as well as international conferences on topics of interest for the SEE region.

The SEECP Parliamentary Assembly founding act is the Declaration on the Inauguration of the SEECP Parliamentary Assembly, adopted on 10 May 2014 in Bucharest. By adopting the Declaration, the process of institutionalisation of the parliamentary cooperation of 12 SEECP participating states was finalised. Thereby fundamental conditions for transforming the parliamentary dimension of the SEECP PA were fulfilled - implementation of mechanism of deciding and establishment of three General Committees in charge of special issues, namely: 1) Economy, Infrastructure and Energy, 2) Justice, Home Affairs and Security Cooperation, and 3) Social Development, Education, Research and Science. The SEECP PA activities take place at the level of plenary sessions, Standing Committee meetings and meetings of the General Committee on Economy, Infrastructure and Energy, General Committee on Justice, Home Affairs and Security Cooperation and General Committee on Social Development, Education, Research and Science.

The National Assembly’s Standing Delegation has four members and four substitute members, while the National Assembly Speaker is also the Head of the Delegation. The plenary session takes place once a year at the parliament chairing the SEECP, while the meetings of the three general committees take place once a year at the parliament the elected general committee chairperson belongs to. The Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation based in Sofia, Regional Cooperation Council based in Sarajevo and the network of national coordinators offer expert and operational support.

Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) based in Sarajevo

The European Integration Committee has a developed cooperation with the Regional Cooperation Council, based in Sarajevo, in the framework of various projects which imply the preparation of administrative capacities for the Republic of Serbia’s EU membership. In the previous period, the cooperation has mostly taken place through logistic support of the Regional Cooperation Council to the Chairmanship-in-Office of the South East European Cooperation Process.

Conference of the European Integration/Affairs Committees of States Participating in the Stabilisation and Association Process of South-East Europe (COSAP)

The European Integration Committee members regularly take part in the work of the Conference of the European Integration/Affairs Committees of States Participating in the Stabilisation and Association Process of South-East Europe (COSAP). The Conference represents a forum for regular exchange of views concerning the Stabilisation and Association Process, EU membership agenda of the countries in the Process, as well as the EU enlargement process. Member states chair in alphabetical order. The Conference can address its documents to the national parliaments of the member states of the Conference, to the European Parliament, to COSAC, to the institutions of the European Union and to other bodies as decided. At the end of every meeting a joint statement is adopted. The Conference has its own Rules of Procedure.

So far, the following COSAP conferences have been held:

  • The 15th Conference, 2019 in Belgrade,
  • The 14th Conference, 2018 in Podgorica,
  • The 13th Conference, 2018 in Skopje,
  • The 12th Conference, 2016 in Sarajevo,
  • The 11th Conference, 2015 in Tirana,
  • The 10th Conference, 2015 in Belgrade,
  • The 9th Conference, 2014 in Bečići,
  • The 8th Conference, 2013 in Skopje,
  • The 7th Conference, 2013 in Sarajevo,
  • The 6th Conference, 2012 in Tirana,
  • The 5ft Conference, 2009 in Belgrade,
  • The 4th Conference, 2009 in Cetinje,
  • The 3rd Conference, 2006 in Skopje,
  • The 2nd Conference, 2006 in Zagreb,
  • The 1st Conference, 2005 in Sarajevo.
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