National Assembly Secretariat General

Secretary General:
Srdjan Smiljanic, Bachelor of Laws
contact telephone: 011/3026-100, 011/3026-000

Deputy Secretaries General:
Dragana Odovic
contact telephone: 011/3026-100
Vladimir Dimitrijevic
contact telephone: 011/3026-100

The Secretariat General of the National Assembly shall perform the tasks that are general and common for the whole Service: activities relating to enabling a uniform operation of the Service; internal auditing, preparation and review of the National Assembly sittings and issuing of shorthand notes of the National Assembly sittings; public relations; protocol activities; conducting informative and analytical research and development of library material; educational activities and presentation of parliamentary cultural heritage; protection of confidential data at the National Assembly; activities related to drafting texts of national and international agreements on cooperation between the National Assembly and other bodies and organisations and monitoring their implementation; activities related to the implementation of provisions regulating availability of information of public importance, protection of personal data, fight against corruption, and other technical and administrative tasks relevant for performing the function of the Secretary General of the National Assembly (hereinafter: Secretary General) and Deputy Secretary General.

The following specific internal units shall be established within the Secretariat General:

  1. Department for the Preparation and Processing of National Assembly Sessions,
  2. Group for the Protection of Confidential Data at the National Assembly,
  3. National Assembly Library,
  4. Public Relations Department,
  5. Protocol Department,
  6. Group for Education and Presentation of the National Assembly Heritage.

Department for the Preparation and Processing of National Assembly Sessions

The Department for the Preparation and Processing of National Assembly Sessions shall perform the tasks relating to the following: preparing and organising National Assembly sessions; collecting and preparing documents and data necessary for a National Assembly session; preparing acts adopted at National Assembly sessions for their publishing in the 'Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia’; preparing original acts adopted by the National Assembly; formulating MP’s questions; preparing and providing information to MPs on the sessions of the National Assembly, and performing other technical and administrative tasks for the needs of the National Assembly.

The Shorthand Notes Section shall be established within the Department for the Preparation and Processing of National Assembly Sessions.

Department Head: Sladjana Radivojevic
contact telephone: 011/3026-100

The Shorthand Notes Section shall perform the tasks relating to the following: compiling and preparing shorthand notes from National Assembly sessions for the purpose of their publishing; organising authorisation and editing non-authorised notes; editing and proofreading; compiling shorthand notebooks and graphically designing them for printing; storing completed and authorised shorthand notes and preparing graphic solutions for titles, contents and speakers' registry; preparing address books of users of hard copied books, and archiving and keeping databases on shorthand notebooks.

Section Chief: Eva Ban
contact telephone:

Group for the Protection of Confidential Data at the National Assembly

The Group for the Protection of Confidential Data at the National Assembly shall perform the tasks relating to the following: managing and protecting secret data at the National Assembly; organising and conducting occasional training sessions on managing and protecting confidential data for MPs and parliamentary Staff; filling in security questionnaires for conducting security checks, drafting requests for issuing certificate of access to confidential data and teaching MPs and the Staff about the security procedures in managing the confidential data; examining the physical and technical protection system; implementing the provisions on defence, on operation at war and emergency situation and performing activities laid down in the Defence Plan of the Republic of Serbia.

Group Manager: Vladimir Bogicevic
contact telephone:

National Assembly Library

The National Assembly Library shall perform the tasks relating to the following: conducting and drafting information and analytical researches related to legislative activity of the National Assembly; conducting and drafting technical researches and comparative analyses for the needs f MPs and working bodies of the National Assembly on the issues within the scope of the National Assembly; producing expert analyses and providing information upon request from international organizations and national parliaments and institutions, within the European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation; collecting, processing, safekeeping and issuing for use the library material to MPs and other users; receiving, deployment, inventory and registration of the library material; protection of old and rare books; compiling information catalogues on the publications and sources of information at the Library and establishing cooperation with other libraries, as well as other technical and administrative activities for the needs of MPs and working bodies of the National Assembly related to the provision of research support on the issues from the National Assembly’s remit.

Department Head: Jelena Markovic
contact telephone: 011/3026-100

Public Relations Department

The Public Relations Department shall perform the tasks relating to the following: informing the public on the activities of the National Assembly and improving public relations; cooperation with national and foreign representatives of the public media; following and drafting press-clipping of national and foreign media on the activities of the National Assembly; cooperation with appropriate state authorities; preparation, updating and translation of the contents of the National Assembly’s web page into a foreign language.

Department Head: Maja Koler Zorko
contact telephone:
011/3026-352; 011/3026-351; 3026-372; 3026-373

Protocol Department

The Protocol Department shall perform the tasks relating to the following: planning, preparing and conducting National Assembly's protocol activities; preparing and arranging facilities of the National Assembly for the purposes of holding ceremonies; organising and implementing international meetings of the Speaker and Deputy Speakers of the National Assembly, MPs and parliamentary delegations; enabling communication with diplomatic representatives and representatives of international organisations; procurement and registration of protocol presents.

Section for Organisation and Implementation of International Parliamentary Activities shall be established within the Protocol Department.

Department Head: Maja Draskovic
contact telephone: 011/3026-271

The Section for Organisation and Implementation of International Parliamentary Activities shall draft proposals of decisions on sending MPs, National Assembly Service employees and other persons to official business trips for the adoption by the Speaker and the Secretary-General of the National Assembly; draft annual reports on the official business trips made by MPs and National Assembly Service employees; implement procedures at ‘Nikola Tesla’ Airports relating to welcoming and seeing off the National Assembly officials and delegations, perform tasks relating to drafting diplomatic and official passports and obtaining visas; ensure transportation and hotel accommodation for the official business trips of the National Assembly delegations, MPs and National Assembly Service employees, in the country and abroad.

Section Chief:
contact telephone:

Group for Education and Presentation of the National Assembly Heritage

The Group for Education and Presentation of the National Assembly Heritage shall perform the tasks relating to the following: preparing and implementing visitor programmes for citizens, national and foreign delegations visiting the National Assembly and for National Assembly's representatives visits to citizens on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, and implementation of other programmes aimed at opening the National Assembly to the public; providing education and presentation of parliamentary business and development of multimedia and educational and information material on it.   

Group Manager: Vesna Dujmovic Rosic
contact telephone: 011/3026-236

Internal Auditor

According to the job systematisation, the Secretariat General includes the post of Internal Auditor. The Internal Auditor prepares proposals of strategic and annual auditing plans; organises and performs tasks and work related to auditing; determines auditing techniques, goals, and methods of auditing causes; collects and analyses information in cases of individual audits; verifies and assesses the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation of the system of auditing controls and procedures within certain audits related to the functioning of the National Assembly; verifies the method of work and the quality of work processes for the purpose of assessing the economy, efficiency, and success of functioning; performs the assessment of risk, risk management, as well as harmonisation of the functioning with the law, internal acts and procedures, reliability and completeness of financial and other data and information; creates auditing reports and provides recommendations to the leadership about the elimination of shortcomings; monitors the implementation of auditing recommendations provided in the reports on previously conducted audits; provides expert advice and opinions on the introduction of new systems, processes and procedures; performs other tasks from the sphere of internal auditing as ordered by the Secretary General.

Internal Auditor: Marina Nesovic
contact telephone: 011/3026-100

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