Operations and Technical Affairs and Information Technology Sector

Head of Sector: Dario Kukolj
contact telephone: 011/3026-176

The Operations and Technical Affairs and Information Technology Sector shall perform the tasks relating to the following: electronic, information and communication technologies, investment, technical and current maintenance of the National Assembly premises; protection and maintenance of cultural heritage used and managed by the National Assembly; construction, reconstruction, development, adaptation, rehabilitation, restoration, conservation, interior and exterior design and decoration, as well as cleaning and sanitation of the buildings, premises, installations, facilities, machines, appliances and equipment used and managed by the National Assembly; fire protection, copy office  and other operations and technical affairs.

The following specific internal units shall be established within the Operations and Technical Affairs and Information Technology Sector:

  1. Department of Electro-Technology, Telecommunication and Information Technology,
  2. Department of Investment Maintenance of Facilities, Protection and Maintenance of Cultural Property,
  3. Technical and Current Maintenance Department,
  4. Fire Protection Department,
  5. Copy Office Section.

Department of Electro-Technology, Telecommunication and Information Technology

The following specific internal units shall be established within the Department of Electro-Technology, Telecommunication and Information Technology:

  1. Electronic Systems Section,
  2. Information and Communications Technology Section,
  3. Group for Technical Support to Electronic Sessions.

Department Head:
contact telephone:

The Electronic Systems Section shall perform the tasks relating to the following: preparation of electronic system design and technical documentation; functionality, protection and improvement of e-parliament system for the purpose of holding unobstructed electronic sessions of the National Assembly and its working bodies; drafting reports on demands, problems and malfunctioning of the e-parliament system; designing and improving the e-parliament application; installation and exploitation of electronic equipment; electronic equipment maintenance and malfunction repairs; control system management; preparation of MPs’ identification cards; repairs of malfunctions of the MPs’ electronic units and repairs of the terminal equipment.

Section Chief: Miladin Deanovic
contact telephone: 011/3026-100

The Information and Communications Technology Section shall perform the tasks relating to the following: maintenance of the National Assembly’s computer network; control of Internet access; provision, maintenance and technical improvement of the National Assembly’s Internet presentation; e-mail service provision for the users at the National Assembly; development of application software and IT services provision at users’ requests; telephone service provision and control for users at the National Assembly.

Section Chief: Milan Ivanic
contact telephone:
e-mail: milan.ivanic@parlament.rs

The Group for Technical Support to Electronic Sessions shall perform the tasks relating to the following: functionality, protection and improvement of e-parliament system for the purpose of holding unobstructed electronic sessions of the National Assembly and its working bodies; drafting reports on demands, problems and malfunctioning of the e-parliament system; designing and improving the e-parliament application.

Group Manager: Zdravka Rodic
contact telephone:

Department of Investment Maintenance of Facilities, Protection and Maintenance of Cultural Property

The Department of Investment Maintenance of Facilities, Protection and Maintenance of Cultural Property shall perform the tasks relating to the following: analysis of the current situation and assessment of short-term and long-term needs in the field of technical and technological conditions for functioning of the National Assembly; development of draft short-term and long-term development and  draft short-term and long-term investment plans and preparation of draft parliamentary budget and annual public procurements plan in the field of investment maintenance, interior and exterior design and decoration, construction, reconstruction, extension, adaptation, repairing, restoration and conservation of facilities and land used by the National Assembly; implementation of the measures for the protection of cultural property; drafting acts on the protection and use of cultural property; restoration and conservation of movable and immovable cultural heritage; maintenance and use of movable cultural heritage, and presentation and development of publications on cultural heritage.

Department Head:
contact telephone:

Technical and Current Maintenance Department

The Technical and Current Maintenance Department shall perform the tasks relating to the following: technical and current maintenance of the premises, land, installations, machine facilities, devices and equipment; proper operation of existing technical installation systems, devises and equipment in the building; planning activities relating to functioning, maintenance and innovation, development of technical and current maintenance plans and financial plans for implementing these; maintenance and control of the waterworks installations, woodwork and equipment on the premises; maintenance and control of the air-conditioning system, ventilation system, heating and cooling system in the National Assembly buildings, and disinfection, disinsectization and pest control of the premises and lad used by the National Assembly.

Cleaning/Sanitation Section shall be established within the Technical and Current Maintenance Department.

Department Head: Zeljko Mandic
contact telephone:
The Cleaning/Sanitation Section shall perform activities relating to sanitation and maintenance of adequate hygienic conditions on the premises and the land of the National Assembly.

Head of cleaning and maintenance : 
contact telephone: 

Fire Protection Department

The Fire Protection Department shall perform the tasks relating to the following: organisation and implementation of prescribed and ordered fire protection measures; implementation of security measures; maintenance of a stable automatic warning and fire-fighting system; examining fire-fighting equipment and instruments; securing National Assembly facilities and equipment against risks, and other activities in this field.

Department Head: Nebojsa Djenic
contact telephone:
e-mail: nebojsa.djenic@parlament.rs

Copy Office Section

The Copy Office Section shall perform the tasks relating to the following: printing of material; text processing, graphical design and preparation of material to be printed; printing machine maintenance, as well as fastening and binding of material.

Printing Office Manager: Jelena Djuric Todorovic
contact telephone: 011/3026-522
e-mail: jelena.djuric-todorovic@parlament.rs

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