
STATEMENT OF COOPERATION, signed between the National Assembly, the Embassy of the Swiss Confederation and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) on 5 September 2012.

Date of the beginning of the project: 5 September 2012

Date of the completion of the project: 15 August 2015

Total project value: 1,206,560 USD

The signing of the STATEMENT OF COOPERATION marked the official beginning of project “Strengthening the Oversight Function and Transparency of the Parliament”.The purpose of the project is to establish and develop the capacities of the teams employed in the Service of the National Assembly’s committees for the needs of supervision, improvement of the outreach to and inclusion of citizens in the National Assembly’s work, with a special focus on the oversight and control mechanisms, application of successful mechanisms of outreach to citizens in municipal assemblies, as well as the establishment of an efficient system to monitor public spending from the state budget by the MPs.

MEMORANDUM OF COOPERATION signed between the National Assembly and Westminster Foundation for Democracy on 5 July 2011.

Date of the beginning of the project: 1 April 2011

Date of the completion of the project: 31 March 2012

Total project value: 118,000 £

The Memorandum of Cooperation envisages the implementation of project “Strengthening the National Assembly’s legislative and control capacities”. The project aims to improve the human resource capacities and research capacities of the National Assembly Service, as well as improve the National Assembly’s legislative and control function.

The project will particularly focus on defining procedures and guidelines for better human resource management at the National Assembly Service, improving the Service’s research activities and strengthening the support the Service provides to the MPs so as to enable them to do their duty more efficiently.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING signed between the National Assembly and OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe)

The Memorandum of Understanding envisages the implementation of project “Strengthening the efficiency of the legislative and control function of the National Assembly” by the introduction of an electronic management system into the National Assembly’s legislative procedure – (e-Parliament)

Date of the beginning of the project: 1 November 2010

Date of the completion of the project: 1 November 2012

Total project value: 1,810,754.00 EUR

Donor of the implementation of project e-Parliament at the National Assembly

MEMORANDUM OF COOPERATION signed between the National Assembly and NDI (National Democratic Institute) on 18 December 2009.

The Memorandum of Cooperation envisages the planning and defining of National Assembly activities via programmes aimed at bringing the parliament closer to the citizens.

The proposed activities aim to strengthen the representative and legislative function via parliamentary forums and public hearings.

The Memorandum of Cooperation foresees the opening of parliamentary constituency offices, as well as an internship project at the National Assembly Service for senior year university students.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING signed between the National Assembly and USAID Separation of Powers Program (United States Agency for International Development) on 17 March 2009

Date of the completion of the program: 31 July 2011

The Memorandum of Understanding envisages strengthening the capacities of the National Assembly aimed at improving the development of organisational capacities, achieving transparency and building up financial independence.

The activities predicted by the Memorandum are: providing assistance for the introduction of a training programme from the sphere of the Service’s long-term development, providing support for the construction of the National Assembly’s internet presentation, as well as in adopting the Decision on the National Assembly Service Communication Strategy.

Within the National Assembly’s financial independence, the Separation of Powers Program is supposed to provide support to the National Assembly by strengthening its capacities to plan, manage and control the expenditure of the assembly budget funds.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING signed between the National Assembly and UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) on 19 November 2008,

The Memorandum envisages the establishment of long-term cooperation in order to achieve the goals defined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, Poverty Reduction Strategy, Millennium Development Goals and National Action Plan for Children.

The fundamental principle the Memorandum is based on is respect and protection of the rights of children and adolescents aimed at contributing to a bigger and better role of assembly committees in the use of knowledge and understanding of children’s rights through the analysis of relevant bills, pursuance of policies and strategies, as well as budget analysis.

Activities foreseen by the Memorandum are: education of MPs, establishment and strengthening of a National Assembly working body which would, within its legislative and control function, systemically address children’s rights issues, review new legal solutions, establish cooperation with the media, expert public, local self-governments and civic associations.

The National Assembly House virtual interactive presentation project was realised in cooperation between Z Lab Media, Zoran Andric and the National Assembly.

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