Legislation Sector

Head of Sector:
contact telephone: 011/3026-100

The Legislation Sector prepares and examines the acts relevant for the work of parliamentary working bodies; analyses laws, proposals of laws and other general acts; prepares and examine the material for the needs of parliamentary groups and perform other tasks for the needs of the National Assembly for the purpose of conducting its legislative function.

The Legislation Sector contains the following specific internal units: 

  1. Department of Constitutional and Legal System and Separation of Powers,
  2. Department of Economic and Financial Issues,
  3. Defence and National Issues Department,
  4. Department of General Social Affairs
  5. Parliamentary Groups Department.

Department of Constitutional and Legal System and Separation of Powers

The Department of Constitutional and Legal System and Separation of Powers performs the tasks relating to the following: analysing laws, proposals of laws and other legal acts from the committee’s scope; preparing and organizing the working bodies’ meetings; drafting reports and preparing acts and information on the issues to be examined at working bodies’ meetings; provision of expert opinion on the matters examined by the working bodies; drafting amendments to proposals of laws, other legislation and general acts for the needs of the Committee; monitoring the follow-up to the working bodies’ conclusions, preparing reports and opinions on the proposals of authentic interpretation of laws and other acts passed by the National Assembly; drafting proposal of the parliamentary budget; issues of immunity of MPs and other elected persons; preparing reports and opinions on the motion of the procedure for assessing constitutionality of laws; drafting acts of significance for implementation of oversight and/or electoral function vested in the National Assembly; organizing public hearings; preparing analysis and information on initiatives, petitions, complaints and proposal of citizens, associations and organizations; and other technical and administrative tasks for the needs of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues; Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government; Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality; Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues; and the Committee on the Rights of the Child.

Department Head: Veljko Rakic
contact telephone: 011/3026-100

Department of Economic and Financial Issues

The Department of Economic and Financial Issues performs the tasks relating to the following: analysing laws, proposals of laws and other legal acts from the committee’s scope; preparing and organizing the working bodies’ meetings, drafting reports and preparing acts and information on the issues to be examined at working bodies’ meetings; providing expert opinions on the matters examined by the working bodies; drafting amendments to proposals of laws, other legislation and general acts for the needs of the Committee; monitoring the follow-up to the working bodies’ conclusions; drafting acts of significance for implementation of oversight and/or electoral function vested in the National Assembly; organizing public hearings; preparing analysis and information on initiatives, petitions, complaints, proposal of citizens, associations and organizations; and other technical and administrative tasks for the needs of the Committee on Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy; Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending; Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee; and Committee on Spatial Planning, Transport, Infrastructure and Telecommunications.
Department Head: Biljana Ilic
contact telephone: 011/3200-619

Department of Defence and National Issues

The Department of Defence and National Issues performs the tasks relating to the following: analysing laws, proposals of laws and other legal acts from the committee’s scope; preparing and organizing the working bodies’ meetings, drafting reports and preparing acts and information on the issues to be examined at working bodies’ meetings; providing expert opinions on the matters examined by the working bodies; drafting amendments to proposals of laws, other legislation and general acts for the needs of the Committee; monitoring the follow-up to the working bodies’ conclusions; drafting acts of significance for implementation of control i.e. oversight function vested in the National Assembly; organizing public hearings; preparing analysis and information on initiatives, petitions, complaints, proposal of citizens, associations and organizations; and other technical and administrative tasks for the needs of the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee; Committee on Diaspora and Serbs in the Region, Committee on Kosovo and Metohija; and the Security Services Control Committee.

Department Head: Gorica Durkalic
contact telephone:

Department of General Social Issues

The Department of General Social Issues performs the tasks relating to the following: analysing laws, proposals of laws and other legal acts from the committee’s scope; preparing and organizing the working bodies’ meetings, drafting reports and preparing acts and information on the issues to be examined at working bodies’ meetings; providing expert opinions on the matters examined by the working bodies; drafting amendments to proposals of laws, other legislation and general acts for the needs of the Committee; monitoring the follow-up to the working bodies’ conclusions; drafting acts of significance for implementation of oversight and/or electoral function vested in the National Assembly; organizing public hearings; preparing analysis and information on initiatives, petitions, complaints, proposal of citizens, associations and organizations; and other technical and administrative tasks for the needs of the Committee on Education, Science, Technological Development and the Information Society; Culture and Information Committee; Committee on Labour, Social Issues, Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction; Health and Family Committee and the Environmental Protection Committee.

Department Head: Milica Basic, Bachelor of Laws
contact telephone:

Department of Parliamentary Groups Issues

The Department of Parliamentary Groups Issues performs the tasks relating to the following: analysing laws and law proposals; drafting proposals of acts that MPs - members of a parliamentary group submit to the National Assembly; drafting and technical editing of amendments to proposals of laws and other legal acts; providing technical assistance to MPs with regard to implementation of applicable regulations; preparing information; providing technical assistance to MPs with regard to application of Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly and other legal acts adopted by the National Assembly; technical review of initiatives, petitions and complaints and proposals of citizens, associations and organizations submitted to a parliamentary group; organising meetings of MPs with citizens, representatives of state authorities, organizations and bodies; and other technical and administrative tasks for the needs of parliamentary groups and MPs.

Department Head: Marija Jovicic
contact telephone:
е-mail: marija.jovicic@parlament.rs
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