Article 141

Bills and proposals of other general acts shall be submitted to National Assembly in writing or in an electronic form.

1. Procedure for amendment of the Constitution

Article 142

Proposals for the amendment of the Constitution shall be submitted in writing, with an explanation of the proposal.

The competent committee shall determine that the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is submitted by a proposer authorised by the Constitution and that it is submitted in a prescribed form.

Article 143

The National Assembly shall debate the proposal referred to in Article 142 of these Rules of Procedure at its first next sitting, and no earlier than 30 days after the proposal has been submitted.

The proposer of the proposal for the amendment of the Constitution shall be present at the sitting of the National Assembly when the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is considered.

After the conclusion of the debate, the National Assembly shall decide on the proposal referred to in Article 149 of these Rules of Procedure.

The proposal for the amendment of the Constitution shall not be changed.

Article 144

If the National Assembly adopts the proposal referred to in Article 142 of these Rules of Procedure, the authorised committee shall determine the draft proposal of an act on the amendment of the Constitution, with explanation, and a draft constitutional law for implementation of the Constitution, by majority vote of the total number of the committee members.

The proposer of the amendment to the Constitution shall be invited to the sitting of the committee.

When the proposers of the amendment of the Constitution are MPs or voters, their representative shall be invited to the sitting of the competent committee.

If the representative from the paragraph 3 of this Article is not specified, the first signed MP, i.e. voter, is invited to the sitting of the competent committee.

Article 145

The competent committee shall submit a proposal for the amendment of the Constitution, and the draft of the constitutional law for implementation of the Constitution amendments to the Speaker of the National Assembly, who shall forward these proposals on to MPs.

Along with the proposal of acts referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the competent committee shall submit a decision proposal on calling the referendum, in case when the National Assembly is obliged by the Constitution to call the state referendum on the act amending the Constitution for verification, i.e. if the competent Committee decides that there is a need for citizens to confirm the act amending the Constitution in referendum.

Article 146

Proposals for the amendment of the Constitution and the constitutional law for the implementation of the amendments to the Constitution shall be considered at a sitting of the National Assembly.

After the conclusion of a debate, the National Assembly shall vote individually on the proposal of an act amending the Constitution and on the draft constitutional law for implementation of the amendments to the Constitution.

Article 147

In the event the National Assembly is obliged to, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, call for the state referendum on the amendment of the Constitution for the purpose of verification, the National Assembly shall make a decision on calling a referendum to confirm the abovementioned document.

In case the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia does not envisage the obligation of the verification of the act amending the Constitution in the state referendum, the National Assembly may adopt a decision to call a referendum to verify the act, acting on a proposal of the proposer authorised by the Constitution to submit proposals for the amendment of the Constitution, with two-thirds of votes of a total number of MPs.

Article 148

Upon verification of the act amending the Constitution in the state referendum, the National Assembly shall adopt a decision on promulgation of the act amending the Constitution and a decision on promulgation of the constitutional law for implementation of the amendments to the Constitution on the date following the submittal of the final report of the competent institution on the referendum conducted.

Article 149

Unless otherwise stipulated by these Rules of Procedure, as concerns the procedure for the amendment of the Constitution, provisions of these Rules of Procedure regulating the procedure for adoption of Bills shall be applied..

2. Procedure for law adoption

Article 150

All MPs, the Government, the Assembly of the Autonomous Province or at least 30,000 voters shall be entitled to propose Bills and proposals of other general acts.

The Ombudsman and the National Bank of Serbia shall be entitled to propose Bills from their scope of work.

Article 151

Authorised proposer of Bills shall submit the Bill in the form in which the law will be adopted, with a rationale.

The rationale shall contain the following:

  1. the constitutional, and/or legal basis for adopting the regulation;
  2. the reasons for adopting the regulation, in particular: an analysis of the current situation, problems that shall be resolved by the regulation; objectives to be attained by the regulation, the discussed options for resolving the problems without regulation adoption and the answer to the question why the regulation adoption is the best way to resolve the problem(s);
  3. explanation of the basic legal institutions and individual solutions;
  4. an estimate of the funds necessary to implement the regulations, including the sources of those funds;
  5. the general interest owing to which the retroactive effect is being proposed, if the Bill contains provisions with retroactive effect;
  6. reasons for adopting the Bill by an urgent procedure, if an urgent procedure has been proposed for the adoption of the Bill;
  7. reasons for proposing the regulation to come into effect before the eighth day following its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia;
  8. a list of the provisions of the valid regulation which are being amended (by crossing out the part of the text being modified, and inserting the new text in capital letters).

The rationale may also contain an regulatory impact analysis, containing the following explanations: the subjects to be most probably affected by the regulation including the manner and the additional costs that will be incurred to citizens and the economy (particularly to small and medium enterprises) by the regulation implementation, whether the positive effects of regulation adoption are of the kind that will justify the expense it will create, whether the regulation supports the creation of new economic entities on the market and market competition, whether all interested parties have had an opportunity to have their say on the regulation and what measures will be taken during the regulation implementation to accomplish the objectives intended by regulation adoption.

Together with the Bill, the proposer shall attach a Statement of Compliance of the Bill with the European Union Acquis, or a statement confirming that there is no obligation for such compliance, or that there is no possibility to harmonise the Bill with the European Union Acquis, and a Table of Compliance of the Bill with European Union regulations.

Where the Bill proposer is a group of MPs, a representative of the proposer shall be specified. Where this has not been done, the first of the MPs who signed the bill shall be considered a representative of the proposer.

Article 152

Immediately upon receipt of a Bill submitted to the National Assembly, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the Bill to MPs, the competent committee and the Government, if the Government is not the proposer.

A Bill shall be also forwarded to the Ombudsman, or the National Bank of Serbia, if it regulates matters within their scope of work.

Article 153

If the Bill has not been prepared in accordance with these Rules of Procedure, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall, within three days from the receipt of the Bill, request the proposer to harmonise it with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure, specifying in detail wherein the incompatibility is identified.

The Bill proposer may submit, within 15 days, a Bill harmonised with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure or, if the proposer does not agree with the opinions of the Speaker of the National Assembly, he/she may request in writing that the National Assembly vote on the issue. The National Assembly shall vote on that issue at the following sitting, before proceeding with the agenda, without a debate. Before the vote, the proposer shall be entitled to present his/her position in five minutes’ time at most.

If the proposer of the Bill does not act in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, the Bill shall be deemed withdrawn.

Article 154

A Bill prepared in accordance with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure may be included in the agenda of sittings of the National Assembly within no less than 15 days from the date of its submittal.

Article 155

Before being discussed at a sitting of the National Assembly, a Bill shall be discussed by competent committees and the Government, if it is not the Bill proposer.

The competent committee and the Government, if it is not the Bill proposer, in its report, i.e., opinion, may propose to the National Assembly to accept or reject the Bill in principle..

If the competent committee and the Government propose acceptance of the bill in principle, they shall specify whether they accept the Bill in its entirety or with changes they are proposing in the form of amendments.

The competent committee and the Government shall submit a report to the National Assembly, or an opinion, as a rule, within at least five days before the beginning of the National Assembly sitting at which the Bill will be discussed.

If the competent committee does not submit the report, or the Government does not submit its opinion on the Bill, the Bill shall be considered without the report and/or the opinion.

Article 156

A Bill shall be initially subjected to a debate in principle at sittings of the competent committee, and then to a debate in detail..

The debate in detail shall be conducted on the articles of the Bill to which amendments have been submitted and on the amendments proposing introduction of new provisions, and the following may participate in the debate: committee members, the Bill proposer or its representative, a Government representative if the Government is not the proposer, and the proposer of the amendments or every MP attending the sitting of the competent committee, as well as other persons invited.

On the conclusion of the debate, the competent committee shall submit to the National Assembly a report which contains the opinion and proposals of the committee, and a dissenting opinion of a committee member. The committee designates a rapporteur who shall be entitled to substantiate the report of the committee at a sitting of the National Assembly.

Article 157

Initially, at the sitting of the National Assembly, a Bill shall be put to a debate in principle.

The National Assembly may decide to have a cognate debate in principle on several Bills on the agenda of the same sitting, which are mutually conditioned, or provisions in them are related, provided that each Bill shall be voted on separately.

After the conclusion of the debate in principle, the National Assembly shall open a debate in principle on the Bill, or a single debate on a proposal of another act that is on the agenda, and then it shall continue with the debate in detail.

Without prejudice to paragraph 3 of this Article, a debate in detail on the Bill on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia shall begin immediately upon the conclusion of the debate in principle.

To begin a debate in detail on a Bill, at least 24 hours must pass from the conclusion of the debate in principle.

During the period between the conclusion of the debate in principle and opening the debate in detail, the competent committee may submit amendments to the Bill.

The National Assembly may decide to hold a debate in detail on some Bills immediately upon the conclusion of the debate in principle.

Article 158

Debates in detail shall be held on the Articles to which amendments have been submitted and on amendments which propose introduction of new provisions, whereby the total time for a debate in detail for the parliamentary groups shall be equal to the total time used for the debate in principle on the Bill, or for the cognate debate in principle of several Bills for parliamentary groups.

The total time for a debate in detail for a parliamentary group shall be allocated to the parliamentary group in proportion to the number of MPs who are members of that parliamentary group.

The heads or authorised representatives of parliamentary groups shall have additional 15 minutes for the parliamentary group for the debate in detail, which is not included in the total time for the debate in detail for parliamentary groups.

Each amendment proposer shall be entitled to substantiate his/her amendment within up to two minutes, and the total duration of the debate in detail on this basis may not exceed ten hours.

If more than one MP have submitted an amendment jointly, only one of the MPs who signed the proposal shall be entitled to substantiate the amendment on behalf of the proposers, within up to two minutes.

If more MPs from the same parliamentary group submit amendments which are identical in their content, it shall be deemed as a single amendment submitted by more MPs jointly and the provision referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article shall be applied.

The Bill proposer, or authorised representative of the Bill proposer, shall be entitled to speak on each amendment for up to two minutes, and the total duration of the debate in detail on this basis may not exceed three hours.

MPs who are not members of parliamentary groups shall designate, by mutual agreement, three participants at most to speak, in the debate in detail, for up to five minutes each. If no mutual agreement is reached, the first three MPs who applied for the floor shall be entitled to speak once for up to five minutes each.

If more amendments with identical wording have been submitted to the same Article of a Bill, those amendments shall be decided upon as one amendment.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall, upon determining that there are no more participants applied for the debate or time envisaged for the debate has expired, conclude the debate.

Article 159

The Bill proposer shall be entitled to withdraw the Bill from the procedure until the conclusion of the debate on the Bill at a sitting of the National Assembly.

The National Assembly, acting on a reasoned proposal by the Bill proposer, may decide to withdraw a certain item from the agenda of an ongoing sitting, before the beginning of the debate on that item at the sitting of the National Assembly, provided the sitting is being attended by the majority of total number of MPs.

Article 160

The National Assembly shall vote on the Bill in principle on amendments to the Bill, or on the Bill in its entirety, on the Voting Day.

If the Bill is approved in principle, the National Assembly shall vote on the amendments.

If no amendments to the Bill have been submitted, the National Assembly shall vote on the Bill only in its entirety.

Where a Bill contains provisions which envisage retroactive effect, the National Assembly shall vote separately on whether such an effect is in the general interest.

If the Bill stipulates that the law comes into effect less than eight days after its publication, the National Assembly shall vote separately on whether there are particularly justified reasons for that.

After voting on the amendments, the National Assembly shall vote on the Bill in its entirety.

а) Amendments

Article 161

An amendment is a proposal for a modification or addition to the Bill. Amendments may be submitted by the proposers authorised by the Constitution, as well as the competent committee of the National Assembly, in accordance with these Rules of Procedure.

Amendments shall be submitted to the Speaker of the National Assembly in writing or electronically, starting from the date the receipt of the Bill in the National Assembly, and three days at the latest, before the date scheduled for holding the sitting at which a debate on that bill has been proposed, except if a sitting of the National Assembly is called within a shorter time-limit than envisaged by these Rules of Procedure, when deadline for submitting amendments is the beginning of the debate in principle on the Bill at a sitting of the National Assembly.

Amendments to the Bill, which are considered by an urgent procedure, may be submitted before the beginning of the debate in principle on that Bill.

The submitter of the amendment may not, alone or together with other MPs, submit more than one amendment to the same Article of the Bill.

Article 162

Amendment shall contain the following:

  • the appropriate Article of the Rules of Procedure as the legal basis for submitting the amendment;
  • the title and Article of the Bill to which the amendment has been submitted;
  • the suggested provision;
  • a rationale containing explanation of the proposed provision and its intended objective by adoption of the amendment, and if necessary, an assessment of its impact on the budgetary resources.

The unique methodological rules for drafting regulations shall be applied to drafting of amendments.

Article 163

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the duly submitted amendments to the Bill proposer, to MPs, to the competent committee and to the Government.

The competent committee shall reject amendments which are incomplete and containing offensive language, and will submit a report thereof to the National Assembly.

The Secretary General of the National Assembly shall notify the proposers of untimely submitted amendments that the amendments have not been submitted within the time limit stipulated by these Rules of Procedure

Rejected and untimely submitted amendments may not be subject to a debate and no vote on them may be taken.

Article 164

A Bill proposer, or the authorised representative of the Bill proposer and the competent committee, shall, before the sitting of the National Assembly, consider the amendments submitted to the Bill and inform the National Assembly which amendments they propose to be accepted by the National Assembly, and which to be rejected.

The Government, if it is not a Bill proposer, may deliver an opinion to the National Assembly on the amendments submitted.

An amendment which is in line with the Constitution and legal system, and accepted by the Bill proposer and the competent committee shall become an integral part of the Bill and shall not be a subject to a separate debate at the sitting of the National Assembly.

Article 165

In the course of voting in detail, amendments in writing may be submitted by the Bill proposer, the competent committee, and the Government, only if the need for the amendment has arisen owing to the prior adoption of another amendment.

If the adoption of one or more amendments ensues in a need to conduct a legal and technical revision of the text of the Bill, the National Assembly shall suspend the voting and shall ask the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues to conduct a legal and technical revision of the text of the Bill, and shall ask the competent committee to align the adopted amendments mutually and with the text of the Bill.

In the case referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, the competent committee, i.e. the Committee on the Constitutional Issues and legislation, shall submit to the National Assembly a report on the non-compliance that has arisen, together with the amendment by which that non-compliance shall be rectified.

Article 166

During a Voting Day, the National Assembly shall, after the adoption of the Bill in principle, vote on the amendments submitted according to the sequence of Articles of the Bill.

If more amendments have been submitted to the same Article of the Bill, the first vote shall be taken on the amendment proposing the deletion of a provision of that Article, and then on the amendment proposing modifications of the entire Article.

The National Assembly shall take separate votes on each amendment, except on an amendment which has become an integral part of the Bill.

b) Urgent procedure

Article 167

A law may be adopted by urgent procedure.

Only a law regulating issues and relations which arose under unforeseeable circumstances, where the non-adoption of such a law by urgent procedure could cause detrimental consequences for human lives and health, the country’s security and the work of institutions and organisations, as well as for the purpose of fulfilment of international obligations and harmonisation of legislation with the European Union Acquis, may be adopted by urgent procedure.

The Bill proposer shall specify the reasons for adoption of the law by urgent procedure.

Article 168

A Bill, for the adoption of which an urgent procedure is being proposed, may be put on the agenda of a sitting of the National Assembly if it has been submitted no later than 24 hours before the scheduled beginning of the sitting.

Bills which regulate defence and security issues, for the adoption of which an urgent procedure is proposed, may be placed on the agenda of a session of the National Assembly even if submitted on the date of holding the sitting, two hours before the scheduled beginning of the sitting, and where the proposer is the Government, a Bill may be placed on the agenda even if submitted during the sitting of the National Assembly, provided the sitting is being attended by a minimum of 126 MPs.

By exception, during a sitting of the National Assembly the following proposals may be put on the agenda, under urgent procedure: proposals for election, appointment and dismissal and termination of office, a proposal for a vote of no confidence in the Government or a Government member, on the basis of a reasoned proposal by an authorised proposer, provided the sitting is attended by the majority of the total number of MPs. The Speaker of the National Assembly shall schedule a Voting Day on the proposal of no confidence in the Government or any of its members, immediately upon the conclusion of the debate on that item, without waiting for the conclusion of debates on other items of the agenda.

The National Assembly shall decide on every proposal for placing acts under urgent procedure on the agenda without a debate, during the determination of the agenda, or during a sitting, immediately upon receipt of the proposal, provided the sitting is attended by the majority of the total number of MPs.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the bill, for adoption of which an urgent procedure is requested, to MPs and the Government, if it is not the proposer of the Bill, immediately upon receipt of it.

3. Procedure for ratification of international treaties

Article 169

ABill on ratification of international treaties shall contain the text of the international treaty the ratification whereof is proposed, with a translation into the Serbian language.

Bills on ratification of international treaties shall be reasoned. The rationale shall contain the reasons for which the ratification of the international treaty is proposed, whether the international treaty will create expenditures in its execution, as well as an estimate of the funds necessary for its implementation.

No amendments may be submitted to the Articles of Bills which contain the text of the international treaty.

Article 170

The procedure for adopting Bills on ratification of international treaties shall be the subject to the provisions of these Rules of Procedure on the procedure for adoption of laws, with the proviso that the Bill is the subject to a single debate.

A Single debate shall mean that a debate in principle and a debate in detail are held simultaneously.

4. Procedure for adoption of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia and the final financial statement

Article 171

The Bill on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia (hereinafter: budget proposal), shall be submitted, with rationale, to the National Assembly by the Government, within a time-limit prescribed by law.

The rationale of the budget proposal shall contain the following:

  • the constitutional basis for adoption of the budget;
  • reasoning for the proposed necessary resources by each budget beneficiary (expenditure);
  • explanation of the structure of revenue in the budget of the Republic of Serbia.

The budget of the Republic of Serbia shall, for the following year, be adopted by the National Assembly within the time limit prescribed by the law regulating the budget system.

Article 172

The debate on the Bill on the budget may begin no earlier than on the fifteenth day from the date the budget proposal is received in the National Assembly..

Article 173

Before the debate at a sitting of the National Assembly, the budget proposal may be considered by committees of the National Assembly which communicate their reports, in accordance with their scope of work, to the competent committee.

The report of the committee referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall contain an opinion and proposals, or initiatives for submitting amendments, and the name of the committee rapporteur.

The committee rapporteur shall be entitled to substantiate the report at the beginning of the debate on the budget proposal, at a sitting of the competent committee.

The relevant minister shall attend the committee sitting when the budget proposal is considered.

Article 174

The competent committee shall consider budget proposal and reports of the committees referred to in Article 173 of these Rules of Procedure and shall submit the report to the National Assembly.

Besides the authorised proposers, an amendment to the budget proposal may be tabled also by the competent committee.

The report of the competent committee shall contain the opinion and proposals of the committee, summary of the opinions and proposals from the reports of other committees, and the name of the competent committee rapporteur.

Article 175

A debate in principle and in detail on a budget proposal shall be carried out at a sitting of the National Assembly.

Voting on the budget proposal in principle, in detail and in its entirety shall be held on a Voting Day.

The Speaker of the National Assembly may schedule the day for voting on the budget proposal during the sitting of the National Assembly, regardless of whether or not the debate in principle and in detail on other items on the agenda has been concluded.

Article 176

During a year, amendments to the budget may be made pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure regulating the procedure for adoption of the budget..

Article 177

The competent committee shall consider the final financial statement proposal and the report of the State Audit Institution on the audit of the financial statement of the Republic of Serbia, financial statements of the financial plans of the compulsory social insurance organisations and consolidated financial reports of the Republic of Serbia, and shall submit a report thereof to the National Assembly in compliance with the law regulating the State Audit Institution.

Article 178

Unless otherwise specified by these Rules of Procedure , the procedure for budget adoption shall be the subject to the provisions of these Rules of Procedure on the procedure for law adoption..

5. The procedure for determining the budget of the National Assembly

Article 179

The Secretary General shall prepare the parliamentary budget proposal and shall submit it to the competent committee.

The parliamentary budget proposal shall be submitted with a rationale.

The rationale shall contain the following:

  • the legal basis for adoption of the parliamentary budget;
  • reasoning of the proposal of the resources required for the operation of the National Assembly.

The parliamentary budget proposal shall be prepared on the basis of instructions for drafting the budget, in accordance with the Memorandum on the Budget and economic and fiscal policy, which is submitted to the National Assembly by the Ministry responsible for finances.

The parliamentary budget proposal shall include the expenditures and costs of the National Assembly in accordance with the budget classification defined by the law regulating the budgetary system.

The Secretary General shall adopt an act regulating the preparation procedure of the parliamentary budget proposal.

Article 180

The competent committee shall consider the parliamentary budget proposal within time-limits which enable the determination of the parliamentary budget in accordance with time-limits prescribed by the law regulating the budgetary system.

Following determination of the parliamentary budget proposal, the committee shall deliver the proposal to the Ministry responsible for finances, for its opinion.

Article 181

The competent committee shall consider the reasoned opinion of the Ministry responsible for finances at a sitting attended by the Minister.

At a sitting of the competent committee, the committee members shall harmonise positions on the parliamentary budget proposal with the position of the Minister responsible for finances.

The parliamentary budget shall be determined when consensus is reached on it at a sitting of the competent committee.

If the consensus is not reached at a sitting of the competent committee, the Minister responsible for finances shall incorporate, without amendments, the parliamentary budget proposal referred to in Article 180 of the present Rules of Procedures into the Draft Budget of the Republic of Serbia, and the Government shall incorporate it without amendments into the Bill on the Budget of the Republic of Serbia.

The parliamentary budget, or the parliamentary budget proposal, referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, shall be communicated to the Ministry responsible for finances, within the time-limit prescribed by the law regulating budgetary system, for the purpose of including it in the Budget draft or proposal of the Republic of Serbia.

6. Procedure for adopting Development Plan and Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia

а) Procedure for adopting the Development Plan
of the Republic of Serbia

Article 182

The proposals of the Development Plan shall be submitted by the Government, with a rationale and necessary documentation.

Before a debate at a sitting of the National Assembly, the proposed Development Plan shall be considered by the National Assembly committees which shall submit their reports, with reasoned proposals, to the Committee on Economy, Regional Development, Privatisation and International Economic Relations

The competent committee shall consider the proposed Development Plan and the reports of individual committees and shall submit a report thereof to the National Assembly.

b) Procedure for adoption of the Spatial Plan
of the Republic of Serbia

Article 183

The Spatial Plan proposal shall be submitted by the Government, with a rationale and necessary documentation.

Before a debate at a sitting of the National Assembly, the Spatial Plan proposal shall be considered by the National Assembly committees which shall submit their reports, with reasoned proposals, to the Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Telecommunications.

The competent committee shall consider the proposed Spatial Plan and the reports of individual committees and shall submit a report thereof to the National Assembly.

Article 184

The Development Plan proposal of the Republic of Serbia and the Spatial Plan proposal may not be adopted by urgent procedure.

Article 185

The procedure for adoption of the Development Plan and Spatial Plan shall be the subject to the provisions of these Rules of Procedure on the procedure for law adoption , unless otherwise stipulated by these Rules of Procedure .

7. Procedure for granting prior consent to the Statute of the Autonomous Province

Article 186

The Assembly of the Autonomous Province shall submit the Proposal of the Statute of the Autonomous Province to the National Assembly.

The Assembly of the Autonomous Province shall submit to the National Assembly the proposal of the Statute of the Autonomous Province together with a proposal of the decision on granting prior consent for the Statute of the Autonomous Province.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall submit to MPs and the competent committee the proposal of the Statute of the Autonomous Province and the proposal of the decision referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article, immediately upon receiving them.

Article 187

Before the debate at a sitting of the National Assembly, the proposed acts referred to in Article 186 of these Rules of Procedure shall be considered by the competent committee which shall submit a report thereof to the National Assembly.

Article 188

A single debate shall be held at a sitting of the National Assembly on the proposed acts referred to in Article 186 of these Rules of Procedure.

Article 189

The procedure for granting prior consent for the Statute of the Autonomous Province shall be the subject to provisions of these Rules of Procedure on the procedure for law adoption, unless otherwise stipulated by these Rules of Procedure.

8. Procedure for adoption of declarations, resolutions, recommendations and strategies

Article 190

Proposals of declarations, resolutions, recommendations and strategies may be submitted by proposers authorised by the Constitution.

The proposed acts referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be communicated by the Speaker of the National Assembly to MPs and a single debate is conducted thereof.

Article 191

The procedure for adoption of declarations, resolutions, recommendations and strategies shall be subject to application of provisions of these Rules of Procedure for the law adoption, unless otherwise stipulated by these Rules of Procedure.

9. Procedure for adoption of the Rules of Procedure and other general acts

Article 192

Proposed Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly, as well as proposals for amending them, may be submitted by MPs or the competent committee.

Proposed decisions or conclusions may be submitted by the authorised proposer, in accordance with the Constitution, the law and these Rules of Procedure.

A single debate shall be held on the proposals of the acts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.

Article 193

The procedure for adoption of the Rules of Procedure and other general acts shall be subject to the application of the provisions of these Rules of Procedure on law adoption, unless stipulated otherwise by these Rules of Procedure.

10. Procedure for authentic interpretation of laws

Article 194

A proposal for the adoption of authentic interpretation of laws may be submitted by a law proposer authorised by the Constitution.

If the competent committee assesses that the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is justified, it shall prepare a proposal of an authentic interpretation and shall communicate it to the submitter of the proposal and to the National Assembly, which shall vote on it.

If the competent committee assesses that the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is unjustified, it shall notify the submitter of the proposalthereof and shall submit a report to the National Assembly. In that case, the National Assembly shall decide on the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

If the National Assembly approves the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, it shall instruct the competent committee to draft a proposal of an authentic interpretation.

Article 195

The procedure for authentic interpretation is subject to the provisions of these Rules of Procedure on the procedure for law adoption, unless otherwise stipulated by these Rules of procedure.

11. Procedure for adoption of unique methodological rules for drafting regulations

Article 196

A proposal for adoption of unique methodological rules for drafting regulations, or a proposal for their amendment may be submitted by a member of the competent committee.

If the competent committee assesses that the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Articleis justified, it shall begin drafting it and notify the submitter of the proposal thereof.

If the competent committee assesses that the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is unjustified, it shall notify the submitter of the proposal thereof.

12. Procedure for verification and termination of MPs’ mandates

Article 197

Procedure for verification of MPs’ mandates shall be applied an the first sitting of the National Assembly and during the legislature of the National Assembly, in order to fill vacant MP seats.

a) Procedure for termination of the MPs’ mandates

Article 198

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall be notified of reasons for the termination of the mandate of an MP before expiry of the period for which he/she was elected.

An MP shall tender a resignation in writing and submit it to the Speaker of theNational Assembly, via the registry office, who shall immediately communicate it to MPs and the competent committee. The resigning MP shall be summoned to a sitting of the competent committee at which his resignation shall be considered.

The competent committee shall consider the reasons for the termination of the mandate of the MP before the expiry of the period for which he/she was elected and shall submit a report thereof to the National Assembly, with a proposal that the National Assembly acknowledgse the termination of the mandate of the MP.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall notifiy the state institution responsible of administering elections of MPs of the termination of the mandate of the MP.

b) Procedure for verification of MPs’ mandates during the legislature
of the National Assembly

Article 199

In the procedure of filling a vacant MP seat, the competent committee shall consider the report of the state institution responsible for administering elections of MPs on granting a mandate to a newly-elected MP, and the certificate on being elected as an MP, for the purpose of verifying that the data are identical.

If the competent committee establishes that the data in the report of the state institution responsible for administering elections of MPs are identical with data in the certificate on election as an MP, it shall submit a report thereof to the National Assembly with a proposal for verification of the mandate of the newly-elected MP.

The National Assembly shall conclude that the mandate of the newly-elected MP has been verified, immediately upon receipt of the report referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.

13. Procedure for election and termination of term of office

Article 200

Proposals for the election of judges of the Constitutional Court, proposed candidates for appointment as judges of the Constitutional Court and requests for termination of office of a judge of the Constitutional Court shall be communicated to the MPs by the Speaker of the National Assembly.

A debate shall be opened at a sitting of the National Assembly on the proposals and requests referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

The National Assembly shall decide on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court and on the election of candidates for the appointment as judges of the Constitutional Court, and the termination of office of a judge of the Constitutional Court individually, by secret ballot vote, unless it decides to have an open ballot vote, and shall notify the President of the Republic, the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Constitutional Court of its decisions.

Article 201

A proposal for the election of the President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, court presidents, judges, members of the High Judicial Council, the State Public Prosecutor, public prosecutors and deputy public prosecutors, and the members of the State Prosecutorial Council, elected for the first time, submitted by an authorised proposer, , shall be communicated, together with a rationale, by the Speaker of the National Assembly to MPs.

Debates on the proposals referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be open at a sitting of the competent committee and at a sitting of the National Assembly.

During the debates at a sitting of the competent committee and a sitting of the National Assembly, an MP may dispute a proposal for the election of some officials referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and the challenge must be explicitly reasoned.

The National Assembly shall vote individually on each proposal for the election of each of the candidate who has been disputed, and on the candidates who have not been disputed, it shall decide in entirety, by an open ballot vote.

Article 202

The National Assembly shall decide, in accordance with the law, on proposals of authorised proposers for the termination of term of office of the officials referred to in Articles 200 and 201 of these Rules of Procedure,.

The procedure for termination of term of office of the officials referred to in Article 195 paragraph 1 of these Rules of Procedure shall be subject to the application of the provisions of these Rules of Procedure on their election.

Article 203

Proposals for the election and dismissal of the Governor of the National Bank of Serbia, the Council of Governors of the National Bank of Serbia, the Ombudsman, the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and the President, Vice President and members of the Council of the State Audit Institution and other officials established by the law, , shall be submitted with a rationale to the National Assembly by authorised proposers.

If an authorised proposer for the election of the official referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, elected by the National Assembly, is not stipulated by the law, the proposal shall be submitted by the competent committee of the National Assembly.

Prior to the election of the officials referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, nominated by the competent committee of the National Assembly, interviews shall be carried out with the candidates, before the competent committee of the National Assembly.

14. Procedure for control of the work of the Government

а) Parliamentary Questions

Article 204

MPs shall be entitled to pose a parliamentary question to individual Ministers or the Government, within their competences.

Parliamentary questions must be formulated clearly.

Parliamentary questions shall be communicated to the competent Minister or the Government.

Parliamentary questions shall be posed in writing or verbally, and the address of the MP posing the question may not last more than three minutes.

Parliamentary questions may also be posed between two sittings of the National Assembly, in writing, through the Speaker of the National Assembly, who shall refer them to the competent Minister or to the Government.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall caution an MP posing a parliamentary question if the question is not posed in accordance with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure, or if it is not directed to the competent authority.

Article 205

Parliamentary questions shall be posed to the Government, in the presence of Government members, every last Thursday of the month during an ongoing parliamentary sitting, between 16:00 and 19:00 hours, when the work performed according to the agenda shall be adjourned..

The Government shall inform the National Assembly in writing on the Government members who are prevented from attending the sitting of the National Assembly, at which parliamentary questions are posed to the Government, three days before the day referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, at the latest.

During extraordinary session, parliamentary questions may be posed at a sitting of the National Assembly on other days of the month, if the party who requested the extraordinary session anticipated that in its request.

Article 206

The Government, or a Minister, shall immediately reply verbally to a parliamentary question posed. If a certain preparation is required for providing the reply, they shall substantiate it immediately, and provide the reply to the MP, in writing, no later than eight days after the question was posed.

The written reply of the Government, or the competent Minister, shall be communicated to MPs.

Without prejudice to paragraph 1 of this Article, if the preparation of the reply to a parliamentary question requires determination of certain facts the assertion of which requires a longer period of time or a more complex analysis, the time-limit for providing the reply to a parliamentary question may be extended, by 30 days at most.

Article 207

After the reply to a parliamentary question has been provided, the MP who had posed the question shall be entitled to comment on the reply for three minutes at most, or pose a supplementary question. Upon hearing the reply to the supplementary question, the MP shall be entitled to declare his/her opinion on the reply received, within two minutes at most.

Article 208

If a reply to a parliamentary question contains data which are a state, military or official secret, the Minister, or the Government, may move for the reply to be heard without the public being present.

b) Parliamentary questions relating to a topical subject

Article 209

The Speaker of the National Assembly, acting on a proposal of a parliamentary group, shall appoint, at least once a month, a day when individual Ministers shall reply to parliamentary questions relating to the topical subject.

Article 210

Proposals of parliamentary groups shall be submitted to the Speaker of the National Assembly in writing and must contain a precise specification of the topical subject on which questions will be posed, the name of the competent Minister, or the function of another responsible person who should reply to the questions.

If the proposal does not contain all the elements referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall require from the proposer to rectify the proposal, explaining the nature of the irregularity.

If the proposer does not rectify the proposal within three days, the uncorrected proposal shall not be considered. In this case, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall be under no obligation to summon the Minister.

Proper proposals of parliamentary groups shall be communicated immediately by the Speaker of the National Assembly to MPs and the competent minister.

Article 211

А parliamentary group shall submit the proposal referred to in Article 210 of these Rules of Procedure within three days, at the latest, before the date appointed for the minister’s replies to parliamentary questions.

If more than one proposal has been submitted by parliamentary groups, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall determine the sequence of topics according to the time of receipt of the proper proposals.

Article 212

The reply time for parliamentary questions may last 180 minutes at most, and shall be provided irrespective of the number of MPs present in the Assembly chamber. If within the envisaged period of time all parliamentary questions have not been answered, the Speaker of the National Assembly may appoint another day when the Minister will reply to the remaining questions.

Article 213

All MPs shall be entitled to pose questions to the competent Minister, as follows: representatives of the proposer, heads or authorised representatives of parliamentary groups who requested the floor, starting from representatives of the smallest parliamentary group to the largest one, and MPs, as they applied for the floor, until the expiry of the total time for posing questions and providing answers. MPs shall submit applications to pose questions to the Speaker of the National Assembly in writing until the time appointed for the Minister’s answers, and verbally during the question and answer time. One MP may pose three questions at most.

Article 214

MPs shall be entitled to pose verbal questions within a time period of up to three minutes at most.

The competent Minister shall address the National Assembly for five minutes at most to answer the question.

After the reply of the competent Minister, the MP who had posed the question may pose another two associated questions at most, of a total duration of two minutes at most.

The competent Minister shall provide a reply of a total duration of five minutes at most.

Subsequently, other MPs shall be entitled to pose questions according to the order of application, in the manner specified in paragraphs 1 and 3 of this Article.

Article 215

During the days when Ministers reply to parliamentary questions, live broadcast shall be provided on television.

Article 216

The question and answer time shall be subject to the application of provisions of these Rules of Procedure, with the proviso that no rebuttals and indications to violations of these Rules of Procedure shall be allowed (Articles 103 and 141 of the Rules of Procedure).

c) Motion of no confidence in the Government or a Government member

Article 217

A minimum of 60 MPs may table a motion of no confidence in the Government or a Government member.

The motion shall be tabled in writing to the Speaker of the National Assembly.

The motion shall specify the reason for tabling the motion of no confidence.

The motion must specify a representative of the proposer. Where the proposer has not been specified, it shall be considered that the representative of the proposer is the first MP who signed the motion of no confidence.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall immediately communicate the motion to the Prime Minister, or to a Government member, and to MPs.

Article 218

The motion of no confidence in the Government or a Government member shall be discussed by the National Assembly at the first subsequent sitting or no earlier than five days after the date of the submittal of the motion.

At the beginning of the sitting, the representative of the proposer shall be entitled to substantiate the motion referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and the Prime Minister, or a Government member, shall be entitled to a reply.

The debate on the issue of no confidence in the Government or a Government member shall be subject to provisions of these Rules of Procedure relating to the duration of debates in principle on Bills.

Immediately on the conclusion of the debate on no confidence in the Government or a Government member, the motion shall be put to vote.

If the National Assembly passes a vote of no confidence in the Government or a Government member, the signatories of the motion may not table a new motion of no confidence before the expiry of a period of 180 days from the date of the vote on the motion.

Article 219

If the National Assembly passes a vote of no confidence in the Government or a Government member,, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall immediately notify the President of the Republic thereof.

If the National Assembly passes a vote of no confidence in the Government or a Government member, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall immediately notify the Prime Minister thereof.

d) Interpellations relating to the work of the Government

Article 220

A minimum of 50 MPs may submit an interpellation relating to the work of the Government or a Government member.

Article 221

Interpellations shall be submitted to the Speaker of the National Assembly in writing.

Interpellations shall contain a clearly and concisely formulated issue which needs to be considered, a rationale of no more than two pages, the name of the authorised representative of the submitter of the interpellation, and the signatures of all MPs who submitted it.

Article 222

The text of the interpellation shallbe harmonised with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the interpellation immediately to the competent committee to assess the compliance of the interpellation with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure.

If the text of the interpellation is not submitted in accordance with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure or contains offensive or other language reprehensible for the National Assembly and MPs, the Administrative committee shall request the submitter of the interpellation to harmonise it with the provisions of these Rules of Procedure within 15 days.

If the submitter of the interpellation does not harmonise the text of the interpellation with the remarks provided, within the time period referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article, the interpellation shall be deemed withdrawn.

Upon receipt of a report from the competent committee, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the interpellation to MPs and the Prime Minister.

Article 223

The Government or a Government member shall communicate to the Speaker of the National Assembly their reply to the text of the interpellation no later than 30 days from the date of receipt of the interpellation.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall immediately communicate the reply of the Government or a Government member to the interpellation to MPs .

Article 224

The reply of the Government or a Government member to the interpellation shall be placed on the agenda of the first subsequent sitting of the National Assembly, which must be held within 15 days from the date of receipt of the reply of the Government or a Government member relating to the interpellation.

The Speaker of the National Assembly may propose placing of the reply to the interpellation on the agenda of the ongoing sitting of the National Assembly, as the last item, on which the National Assembly shall vote without a debate.

The National Assembly may decide to discuss the reply to the interpellation at a special sitting of the National Assembly.

Article 225

The representative of the submitter of the interpellation shall be entitled to substantiate the interpellation at a sitting of the National Assembly.

The Prime Minister, or a Government member to whom the interpellation refers, may substantiate the reply to the interpellation at a sitting of the National Assembly.

The work of the sitting of the National Assembly at which a reply to an interpellation is discussed shall be the subject to the provisions of these Rules of Procedure relating to debates on Bills.

Article 226

If the National Assembly votes to accept the reply to the interpellation, it shall continue its work according to its original agenda.

If the National Assembly votes not to accept the reply to the interpellation, a vote of no confidence in the Government or a Government member shall be taken, unless the Prime Minister or a Government member resigned after the National Assembly voted not to accept the reply to the interpellation.

Article 227

Debates on the replies to interpellations must be concluded at the sitting at which they commenced.

Interpellations submitted may be withdrawn before the vote on the reply to the interpellation begins.

The issue which has been the subject of the interpellation may not be discussed again until the expiry of a period of 90 days from the date of the vote.

e) Government reporting to the National Assembly on its work

Article 228

The Government shall submit a report to the National Assembly on its work, in particular on implementation of policies, execution of laws and other general acts, implementation of development and spatial plans and execution of the State Budget.

The Government shall submit reports to the National Assembly when so requested by the National Assembly or on its own initiative, at least once a year.

The National Assembly may, acting on a committee proposal, conclude without a debate request from the Government to supply a report on its work, or a report in which the Government reports to the National Assembly on issues relating to policies’ implementation, execution of laws and other general acts, in a certain area of activity.

Immediately upon receiving it, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the Government report to MPs for their information.

The National Assembly may decide, acting on a proposal of a committee which considered the Government report, that the report also be considered at a sitting of the National Assembly.

f) Ministries informing committeeson their work

Article 229

Every Minister shall inform the competent committee of the National Assembly on the work of his/her ministry four times a year.

At committee sittings, questions related to the information submitted by the Minister may be posed to the Minister by members of the competent committee and authorised representatives of parliamentary groups who do not have members in this committee.

Authorised representatives of the parliamentary groups referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article may pose questions to the Minister only after the competent committee has finished its own questioning.

The committee shall submit a report to the National Assembly on its conclusions relating to the information submitted.

15. Procedure of control of the work of security services

Article 230

The National Assembly shall control the work of security services directly and through the competent committee.

The National Assembly shall exercise the control referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article by discussing annual reports of the competent committee on the performed control of security services work .

Article 231

A report of the competent committee on the performed control of the security services work for the preceding year, together with conclusions and proposed measures, shall be submitted to the National Assembly by the end of March of the current year.

Article 232

Sittings of the competent committee may be closed to the public.

A decision on informing the public on the issues discussed at such sittings shall be taken by the committee.

Article 233

The sittings of the competent committee, closed for the public, may be attended by the committee members, or their MPs who have signed the confidentiality statement after being elected as committee members, or deputy committee members.

Sittings of the committee may be attended by the Secretary of the committee and employees of the National Assembly Service designated by the Secretary General of the National Assembly and who have signed the confidentiality statement.

The standard forms of the confidentiality statement shall be signed by the Secretary General of the National Assembly.

16. Procedure for dismissal of the President of the Republic of Serbia

Article 234

A minimum of one-third of MPs may submit a proposal to the Speaker of the National Assembly to include a proposal to initiate a procedure for dismissal of the President of the Republic in the agenda of the sitting of the National Assembly, with substantiated reasons, in writing, explaining the way the President of the Republic has violated the Constitution.

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the proposal to MPs and the President of the Republic.

The National Assembly shall decide on the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article at its sitting no earlier than 15 days and no later than 60 days after its submittal.

The President of the Republic shall be summoned to the sitting of the National Assembly at which the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article is discussed, and shall be entitled to take part in the debate.

The competent committee shall consider the reasons for initiating the procedure for dismissal of the President of the Republic, specified in the explanations of the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, and shall submit a report thereof to the National Assembly.

Following the debate, the National Assembly shall vote on the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article by a majority vote of the total number of MPs.

The decision of the National Assembly adopting the proposal referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article, together with the proposal to initiate the procedure for dismissal of the President of the Republic, shall be communicated immediately by the Speaker of the National Assembly to the Constitutional Court.

Article 235

Immediately upon the receipt of a decision of the Constitutional Court announcing that the President of the Republic has violated the Constitution, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate it immediately to MPs and convene a sitting of the National Assembly for the purpose of voting on dismissal of the President of the Republic, no later than 15 days after the date of receipt of the decision.

Before the voting on the dismissal of the President of the Republic, the National Assembly shall decide whether to hold a secret ballot or a public ballot vote. If the National Assembly decides on an open vote, a roll-call vote shall be held.

The National Assembly votes on the dismissal of the President of the Republic without a debate.

The President of the Republic is deemed to have been dismissed if at least two-thirds of the total number of MPs has voted in favour of the dismissal.

Article 236

Immediately upon the receipt of a decision of the Constitutional Court announcing that the President of the Republic has not violated the Constitution, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicate the decision to MPs and the President of the Republic.

17. Procedure for conducting oversight over the work of state institutions, organizations and bodies

Article 237

The Speaker of the National Assembly shall communicated the reports submitted to the National Assembly by state institutions, organizations and bodies, to MPs and the competent committee, in accordance with the Law.

The competent committee shall consider the report from paragraph 1 of this Article within 30 days from the day of submittal of the report to the National Assembly.

The representative of the state institution, organization or body whose report is being considered shall be invited to the sitting of the competent committee.

Upon consideration of the report referred to in paragraph 1, the competent committee shall submit a report to the National Assembly together with its the draft conclusion or recommendation.

In the draft conclusion or recommendation referred to in paragraph 4 of this Article, unless otherwise stipulated by the Law, the competent committee may recommend to the National Assembly the following:

  • to accept the report of the state institution, organization or body, if the report is considered formally and essentially complete and if the state institution, organization or body has acted in accordance with the Law,
  • to oblige the Government or other state institutions to undertake appropriate measures or activities within their competences,
  • to request an amended to the report from the state institution, organization or body,
  • to undertake appropriate measures in accordance with the Law,

Article 238

A report submitted to the National Assembly, in accordance with the law, by an independent state body charged with protecting the rights of citizens and performing control of state authorities, legal protection of property rights and interests of the Republic of Serbia, as well as by other bodies and organisations, companies and institutions trusted with public authority; upholding the right to access to information of public importance and protection of personal data; protecting equality of citizens; auditing of public accounts, as well as national authority for the fight against corruption, shall be considered by a competent parliamentary committee.
Upon consideration of the report referred to in paragraph 1, the competent committee shall submit a report to the National Assembly together with the draft conclusion i.e. recommendation for improvement of the situation in the said field.
The representative of the independent state authority whose report is being considered shall be invited to the sitting of the competent committee.
The National Assembly shall consider the report of an independent state authority and the report of the competent committee, with the draft conclusion i.e. recommendation.
Upon conclusion of the debate at the sitting attended by the majority of MPs, the National Assembly shall adopt by a majority vote a conclusion or a recommendation on the measures for improvement of the situation in the said field.

Article 239

The National Assembly shall consider the reports from Article 237, paragraphs 1 and 4 of these Rules of Procedures, the draft conclusion of the competent committee or its recommendations at the first upcoming sitting.
The representative of the state institution, organization or body whose report is being considered shall be invited to the sitting.
The National Assembly, upon concluding the discussion at the sitting attended by the majority of MPs, shall adopt a conclusion or a recommendation by a majority vote.

Article 240

In case when a state institution, organization or body fails to submit the report to the National Assembly within the time limit prescribed by the Law, or upon a request of a the competent committee, the competent committee shall notify the National Assembly of this failure, for the purpose of undertaking the measures by the National Assembly within its competences, in order to determine accountability of the state official of the state institution, organization or body.

The competent committee may determine that the official of the state institution, organization or body elected by the National Assembly fails to perform his/her public office in accordance with the Law and shall notify the National Assembly thereof in order to undertake measures prescribed by the Law.

Article 241

In order to perform tasks within its scope of work, the competent committee may request from the state institution, organization or body whose work the National Assembly controls, to provide information and data falling within their competence.

18. Procedure for providing replies upon the Constitutional Court requests

Article 242

Proposals by authorised proposer and decisions to initiate a procedure for appraisal of the constitutionality of laws, or the constitutionality and legality of other general acts adopted by the National Assembly, shall be communicated by the Speaker of the National Assembly to the competent committee.

Proposals by authorised proposer and decisions to initiate a procedure for appraisal of the constitutionality of laws, or the constitutionality and legality of other general acts adopted by the National Assembly, may be communicated by the Speaker of the National Assembly to the Government for an opinion.

The competent committee shall consider the proposal of the authorised proposer and the decision to initiate a procedure for appraisal of the constitutionality of laws, or the constitutionality and legality of other general acts.

If the competent committee concludes that the proposal of the authorised proposer should not be accepted because, in the opinion of the committee, the act whose constitutionality, or legality, is being challenged complies with the Constitution, or law, it shall notify the Constitutional Court of its opinion and of reasons for the rejection of the proposal.

If the competent committee finds that there is a reason to reconsider the provisions of the law whose constitutionality is being challenged, it shall propose that the National Assembly discuss a proposal to appraise the constitutionality of the law, together with a proposed conclusion that the Government or a competent Ministry prepares a proposal for the amendment to this law.

The National Assembly may ask the Constitutional Court to adjourn the proceedings, until a certain date, for the purpose of amending the law which has been challenged.

19. Procedure for deciding on war and peace and declaring a state or war and a state of emergency

Article 243

Provisions of these Rules of Procedure shall be applied to the work of the National Assembly in case of a state of war or a state of emergency, unless otherwise stipulated by these Rules of Procedure and other general acts of the National Assembly.

Article 244

In the case of a state of war or a state of emergency, the Speaker of the National Assembly shall:

  • determine the time and location of sittings of the National Assembly,
  • decide on the manner and time-limits for delivery of materials necessary for the sittings,
  • may, if needed, decide on a particular manner of taking, issuing and keeping shorthand notes and minutes at sittings of the National Assembly and its committees,
  • may decide that Bills and proposals of other general acts and other materials are not placed at the disposal of the public media, unless otherwise decided by the National Assembly,
  • notify the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister that the National Assembly is not able to convene,
  • decide on the mode of operation and execution of the tasks of the National Assembly Service.

Article 245

In case of a state of war or a state of emergency, MPs shall notify the Secretary General of the National Assembly of every change of their temporary or permanent residence.

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