Initiatives, Petitions and Proposals

The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia guarantees the citizens right to put forward initiatives, petitions and proposals. Pursuant to the Law on the National Assembly, the National Assembly i.e. the MPs consider the initiatives, petitions and proposals.

Namely, as the National Assembly Rules of Procedure further specify, the committees of the National Assembly, as its working bodies, consider the initiatives, petitions and proposals within their respective scopes of work. Having deliberated on the submitted initiatives, petitions and proposals, the committee informs the submitter of the initiative, petition and proposal of its opinion in writing. When the committee forwards the submitted initiative, petition and proposal to another authority as one competent in the matter, it will inform its submitter of it.

Citizens can submit initiatives, petitions and proposals as follows:

a) in writing or electronically, in which case they can use the form available on the National Assembly’s webpage. Anonymous requests, as well as unclear, illegible, unintelligible or offensive requests will not be taken into consideration;

b) citizens can address the authorities by phone via the National Assembly telephone exchange on: 011-30-26-100; and

c) citizens can address the National Assembly i.e. its working body directly, in which case they will be interviewed by a responsible officer on the National Assembly premises. The reception of citizens is, as a rule, organised on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10 am to 2 pm, - in the building in 14 Kralja Milana Street.


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tuesday, 11 february
  • 12.00 - press conference of the MPs of the NEW DSS – POKS (NADA) Parliamentary Group (National Assembly House 13, Nikola Pasic Square, Central Hall)

  • 12.30 - press conference of the MP Nevena Djuric (National Assembly House 13, Nikola Pasic Square, Central Hall)

Full event calendar