Republic Electoral Commission Support Sector

Head of Sector: 
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The Republic Electoral Commission Support Sector performs the tasks relating to the following: legal and administrative tasks for the needs of the Republic Electoral Commission; planning of activities and deadlines during the conduct of elections and referendums; analysis of needs for training and professional development of members of the electoral administration bodies and organisation and implementation of training; preparation of information and educational materials on voting rights and the electoral process; cooperation with international organisations and civil society organisations, as well as other tasks related to supporting the work of the Republic Electoral Commission. 
The following specific internal units are established in the Republic Electoral Commission Support Sector: 
  1. Legal and Administrative Affairs Department
  2. Election Conduct Department
  3. Training Department
  4. Information, Education and International Cooperation Department

Legal and Administrative Affairs Department

The Legal and Administrative Affairs Department performs the tasks relating to the following: preparation, convening and holding sessions of the Republic Electoral Commission and meetings of working groups of the Republic Electoral Commission (hereinafter: the Commission); preparation of draft acts and forms within the competence of the Commission; preparation of draft collections of regulations and other publications published by the Commission, preparation of proposals for improving the implementation of laws; maintenance of the Register of Complaints; acting on proposals and initiatives of legal and natural persons; providing expert support to election administration bodies, administrative and protocol work for the needs of the Commission, publishing acts adopted by the Commission on the web presentation as well as in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia"; coordinating the delivery of election materials from the polling station in the event of an objection to the decision, or failure to adopt a decision on the request for annulment of voting at a polling station, and other legal and administrative work for the needs of the Commission.

Department Head: 
contact telephone: 

Election Conduct Department

The Election Conduct Department performs the tasks relating to the following: preparing a plan and timeline for the conduct of elections and referendums; keeping records of members of local electoral commissions; processing of documentation submitted with the electoral list, i.e. the proposal of candidates for the President of the Republic and preparation of the draw for determining the order of candidates for the President of the Republic on the list of candidates for the election of the President of the Republic; preparation of data for the collective electoral list of candidates; preparation of the allocation of places for the appointment of members of polling stations in permanent composition and coordination of the appointment of polling stations with local electoral commissions in permanent and extended composition; monitoring the method of determining polling stations; maintaining data on polling stations; preparing an analysis of polling stations and accessibility of polling stations; participating in the preparation of the printing of ballots and other election material; ensuring the provision of other election material; ensuring the timely receipt and delivery of election material before and after voting and storing election material; development of the Election Management System; support for users of the Election Management System; coordination of the work of local electoral commissions; preparation of all documents in the process of determining the results of voting from polling stations abroad; preparation of the overall report on the results of the elections in coordination with the Legal and Administrative Affairs Department; analysis and proposal of ways to improve the secrecy of voting and other necessary tasks related to the conduct of elections and referendums.

Department Head: 
contact telephone: 

Training Department

The Training Department performs the tasks relating to the following: development of methodology and preparation of an analysis of the needs for professional development of members of the election administration bodies and other participants in the election process; analysis and planning of training program costs, organisation and coordination of the process of conducting training at the headquarters and outside the headquarters of the Commission; taking care of organisational and technical conditions and implementation of the training program: verification and evaluation of training; preparation of materials for conducting training; development of an e-learning platform; administering online training and preparing reports on the implemented trainings of members of the election administration and other participants in the election process; keeping records of all persons who have received a certificate for polling station trainers of; keeping records of all persons who have undergone training for polling station members; developing a methodology for voter training and other tasks related to the training of participants in the election process.

Department Head: 
contact telephone: 

Information, Education and International Cooperation Department

The Information, Education and International Cooperation Department performs the tasks relating to the following: preparing an annual information and education plan with an accompanying action plan for the purpose of better understanding of the election process by voters and increasing voters' trust in the work of the Commission; improving cooperation with public authorities, international organisations and civil society organisations, political parties and other partners in order to better inform and educate voters on the ways to exercise their rights; preparation of informational and educational material on voting rights and the electoral process (video and audio clips, printed and electronic) for various target groups; preparation and implementation of workshops, simulations and debates for pupils, students and other stakeholders in the electoral process; editing social networks and other tasks within the scope of information, education and international cooperation for the needs of the Commission.

Department Head: 
contact telephone: 

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