Election Campaign Supervisory Board

Within its purview, the Election Campaign Supervisory Board shall:

  • monitor the pre-election activities and point to possible irregularities in the actions of political parties, candidates and other participants in the electoral procedure;
  • control the mass media activities in applying the provisions of this Law with respect to ensuring the conditions for the impartial, fair and equal representation of the submitters of the proclaimed electoral lists and candidates from the proclaimed electoral lists;
  • propose measures aimed at respecting the equality of candidates in the presentation of their programmes;
  • address the public so as to safeguard the moral integrity of the candidates’ personality;
  • warn of the actions of political parties, candidates and the mass media which hinder the electoral campaign and jeopardize the equality of rights of all candidates;
  • without delay raise the initiative for instituting a relevant procedure before the competent public authorities if any of the participants in the electoral campaign incites violence by his/her behaviour or spreads national, religious or racial hatred, or calls for inequality of genders, and
  • determine the number and duration of the broadcasts for presentation of the submitters of the proclaimed electoral lists, if the agreement on the number and duration of the broadcasts for the presentation of the submitters of the proclaimed electoral lists is not concluded in the legally foreseen period.
At the First Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2023 on 26 October 2023, the National Assembly adopted the Decision on the appointment of members of the Election Campaign Supervisory Board in the following composition:

  1. Svetislav Goncic, General Manager of the National Theatre in Belgrade; 
  2. Aleksandar Milosavljevic, doctor of political sciences; 
  3. Prof. Dr Dragan Vucinic, tenured professor;
  4. Dr Jovanka Matic, doctor of political sciences;
  5. Dr Slobodan Prvanovic, scientific advisor; 
  6. Prof. Dr Branko M. Rakic, tenured professor; 
  7. Prof. Dr Miodrag Savovic, legal advisor; 
  8. Prof. Dr Bojan Tubic, associate professor; 
  9. MA Vojin Vucicevic, master of economic sciences; 
  10. Aleksandar Stamatovic, opera leading man.



11 January 2024 Eighth Sitting of the Supervisory Board
25 December 2023 Seventh Sitting of the Supervisory Board
18 December 2023 Sixth Sitting of the Supervisory Board
5 December 2023 Fifth Sitting of the Supervisory Board
21 November 2023 Fourth Sitting of the Supervisory Board
14 November 2023 Third Sitting of the Supervisory Board
10 November 2023 Second Sitting of the Supervisory Board
10 November 2023 First Sitting of the Supervisory Board

Election Campaign Supervisory Board Sitting

Eighth Sitting of the Election Campaign Supervisory Board

Thursday, 11 January 2024 |

The Election Campaign Supervisory Board held its eighth sitting on 11 January 2024.

Election Campaign Supervisory Board other activities

Election Campaign Supervisory Board – Press Release

Monday, 4 December 2023 |

Pursuant to Article 146 of the Law on the Election of Members of Parliament, to ensure the conditions for an impartial, fair and balanced presentation of submitters of proclaimed electoral lists and candidates from proclaimed electoral lists and candidates from the proclaimed electoral lists, to ensure equality of candidates in the presentation of their programmes, the Election Campaign Supervisory Board calls on all the holders of public authority tasked with deciding on the availability of public areas to ensure an equal access to all participants in the election under identical conditions.

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