16 April 2014 legislature

Parliamentary friendship groups are Assembly bodies that can be established in the National Assembly for the purpose of voluntary improvement of relations and cooperation of out country with other countries. When a parliamentary friendship group is established, mutually expressed interest in cooperation between Parliaments represents the staring point.

When an MP wishes to create a parliamentary friendship group, he/she submits an application to the Speaker of the National Assembly. The Foreign Affairs Committee makes a decision on the establishment, and selects a Head and members of parliamentary friendship groups; approves decisions on the exchange of visits with parliamentary friendship groups of representative bodies of other countries, and keeps a record of membership.

Latest activities

  • Branka Bosnjak, Head of the National Assembly’s Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Holy See, and PFG member Milena Bicanin met with the Apostolic Nuncio Orlando Antonini, at the Embassy of the Holy See in Belgrade, on 27 February 2015.

  • A delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany headed by the Chair of the Germany-Southeast Europe Parliamentary Friendship Group Peter Weiss had a working breakfast with the representatives and the Head of the National Assembly’s Parliamentary Friendship Group with Germany, Vesna Markovic, on 12 February 2015.

  • The Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Greece Sasa Mirkovic met with the leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras, on 5 December 2014.

  • A delegation of the Romanian Parliament headed by the President of the Foreign Policy Commission Petru Filip and President of the Friendship Group Romania-Serbia Ben-Oni Ardelean had several bilateral meetings at the National Assembly with the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Romania, Foreign Affairs Committee Deputy Chairperson Dr Dijana Vukomanovic, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic and the Head of the Serbian Progressive Party Parliamentary Group Zoran Babic, on 21 November 2014.

  • A delegation of the National Assembly’s Serbia-Romania Parliamentary Friendship Group headed by Miletic Mihajlovic had bilateral meetings with the Romanian Senate Parliamentary Friendship Group with Serbia headed by its President Ben-Oni Ardelean in Timisoara, on 19 and 20 November 2014, and Vrsac on 20 November 2014.

  • A delegation of the Kuwaiti Parliamentary Friendship Group with Serbia, headed by the PFG Head Faisal Fahad Al-Shaya visited Serbia and had separate meetings with National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic, the Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with the Arab States of the Gulf Branislav Blazic and the Head of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Kuwait Aida Corovic, at the National Assembly, 22-25 September 2014.

  • Romanian parliamentary delegation headed by Senator Prof. Dr Ben-Oni Ardelean, Head of the Romania-Serbia Parliamentary Friendship Group, and President of the Foreign Policy Commission Petru Filip visited Serbia and met with National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic, Miletic Mihajlovic, Head, and the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Romania, and with Aleksandra Djurovic, Chairperson, and the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee, at the National Assembly, on 9 July 2014.

  • A Polish delegation met with the members of the standing delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy and the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Poland, at the National Assembly, on 8 July 2014.

  • Portuguese Secretary of State of European Affairs Bruno Maçães met, separately, with National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic and the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Portugal, at the National Assembly, on 4 July 2014.

Parliamentary friendship group - South African Republic

MP's full name Political Party at whose proposal the MP was elected Hometown Age
BERONjA Dr LjILjANA SNS Kula 1959.
COROVIC AIDA (Head) - Novi Pazar 1961.
ORLIC Dr VLADIMIR SNS Belgrade, Cukarica 1983.
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saturday, 21 september
  • 10.00 - European Heritage Days - citizens visit the National Assembly House (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square)

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