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The House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia

The House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia was erected near the place where on November 30, 1830 the Great National Assembly took place. On that occasion, the Turkish sultan's state decree on the rights of Serbs was proclaimed and the hereditary title of Prince Milos was confirmed.

The construction of the parliamentary edifice, based on the design of the architect Jovan Ilkic from 1901, started in 1907, when King Petar I Karadjordjevic laid the cornerstone of the future House of National Representation. The construction of the building was completed in 1936 and the first session in the new edifice was held on October 20th of the same year. At the time, it was the National Assembly of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In September 1939, the Assembly was dismissed and during the Second World War it was occupied by the aggressor's civil administration for Serbia.

Several decades after the end of the war, this was the building of the Yugoslav Assembly and was the highest legislative body of the common state of Serbs, Montenegrins, Croats, Slovenes and Macedonians, as well as the ethnic groups that lived in it.

In 1945, this building hosted the Third Session of AVNOJ (Anti-Fascist Council of the Yugoslav Nations), after which the Provisional National Assembly of the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia was established. Later on, it was transformed into the Constitutional Assembly which on November 29th of the same year proclaimed the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia.

The National Assembly of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, the highest state body, adopted a new Constitution in January 1946 which affirmed the principles of parliamentary rule.

Pursuant to the new Constitution, adopted in 1963, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was proclaimed and the Federal Parliament became the highest legislative body. From 1974, the Constitution changed the parliamentary structure. During this time, the Parliament of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia was constituted as the highest legislative body, in which the Republics and Autonomous Provinces were directly represented.

After the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia, in the 1990s, this edifice became the Federal Parliament of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, consisting of two federal entities - the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro.

The relations between the two Republics were redefined by the Belgrade Agreement in March 2002, and on the basis of the Constitutional Charter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, in March 2003 the Parliament of Serbia and Montenegro was constituted.

On June 5, 2006, Serbia became an independent state again. Thus, the parliamentary building located at Nikole Pasica Square, after an entire century from the beginning of its construction, regained its original purpose - it became the House of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.
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