14 April 2015 Participants of the meeting

14 April 2015 Participants of the meeting

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Women’s Parliamentary Network Organises Meeting on Single Parenting in Serbia

Today, at the National Assembly House, the members of the Women’s Parliamentary Network held a topical meeting on single parenting in Serbia.

In addition to the members of the Women’s Parliamentary Network, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, activists of several single parent associations and representatives of the Autonomous Women Centre, Divac Foundation and other civil and public sector organisations.
WPN coordinator, MP Gordana Comic thanked the participants of the gathering, hoping that the discussion and conclusions would contribute to the adoption of mechanisms which could change and improve the status of single parents in Serbia. She added that she was happy that the National Assembly was taking active part in the process, which is one of its crucial roles.
The keynote addresses focused on the activities of the executive as regards the amendment of laws that should recognise single parenting and the problems single parents come up against when attempting to exercise their rights. The participants also presented statistical data on single parenting and payment of child support, as well as proposals to amend the law as regards improving the child support system, with a special focus on the establishment of a child support fund.
In the ensuing discussion, single parents shared the specific problems they come up against, which are more than child support and exercising the right to financial support and focus on recognition by the law and institutions of the system. They also drew attention to the difficult position and discrimination against single parents, especially in small communities, and agreed that the definition of single parent needs to be expanded to include all those who truly are parents.
The WPN members said that they would give their full support to the adoption of the amendments and modifications to the existing laws so that the submitted amendments might help open dialogue with the relevant ministries and improve the position of single parents in Serbia.
Today’s topical meeting was co-organised by the WPN and the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, with the support of SIPRU and the Finnish Embassy in Serbia.

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