Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Tenth Sitting of the Committee on Justice and Administration

At the sitting held on 19 November 2008, the Committee on Justice and Administration discussed the amendments submitted to the bills from the field of justice.

At the sitting held on 19 November 2008, the Committee on Justice and Administration discussed the amendments submitted to the bills from the field of justice.

The Committee ruled to propose that out of the 53 amendments submitted to the Bill on the Organisation of Courts, the National Assembly accept 23 amendments. The Committee submitted two amendments of its own to the Bill.

63 amendments were submitted to the Bill on Judges and the Committee unanimously decided to propose that the National Assembly accept 22 of the amendments.

Of the 38 amendments submitted to the Bill on the High Judicial Council, the Committee unanimously decided to propose that the National Assembly accept 14 amendments.

124 amendments were submitted to the Bill on Court and Public Prosecutors Seats and Districts. The Committee considered all the amendments and unanimously decided to propose that the National Assembly accept 14 of the amendments. The Committee submitted one amendment of its own to the Bill.

The Committee unanimously decided to propose that the National Assembly accept 12 amendments out of the 32 amendments submitted to the Bill on the Public Prosecution.

11 amendments were submitted to the Bill on the State Council of Prosecutors and the Committee unanimously decided to propose that the National Assembly accept four amendments.

The Committee considered the amendment submitted by the Government to the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Misdemeanours and unanimously decided to propose that the National Assembly accept it.

In the continuation of the sitting, the Committee will discuss the amendments submitted to the bills amending and modifying the Law on Civil Servants and on Associations.

The sitting was chaired by the Committee Chairman, Bosko Ristic.

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