30 November 2010 Participants of the public hearing

30 November 2010 Participants of the public hearing

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Public Hearing Held on Entrepreneurial Learning

The Youth and Sports Committee organised a public hearing on “Entrepreneurial Learning” on 30 November at the National Assembly House.

The Youth and Sports Committee organised a public hearing on “Entrepreneurial Learning” on 30 November at the National Assembly House.

Opening the gathering, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gordana Comic stressed that entrepreneurial learning was a continuous process and that young people should be provided with a special type of support for entrepreneurial learning. “Speaking of the development of entrepreneurial learning, the process of habit change is the most difficult, and it is our task to stimulate habit changing and endorse continuous education”, said Comic.

Youth and Sports Committee Chairman Milan Vuckovic emphasised that the majority of young people in Serbia still believe that a civil service job is the best, not a job in a private company, as it offers greater job security. He added that Serbia chronically lacks entrepreneurial spirit and skills, as well as people with ideas ready to launch their own businesses.

In his address, State Secretary at the Ministry of Youth and Sport Ivana Kovacevic stated that despite the economic crisis, about 30% of young people want to start a company of their own, declaring it an encouraging fact and an important potential for Serbia and its future development.

In the debate, entrepreneurial learning was highlighted as an increasingly important area in all European countries, claiming ever more attention. In addition, through the process of education and upbringing, entrepreneurial learning aims to develop in the youth the entrepreneurial competition necessary for life and work in contemporary society.

Assistant Minister of Economy and Regional Development Dejan Radulovic said that introduction of entrepreneurial education into the education system would be extremely important for Serbia and that the ministries of education and economy should play the key role in the process.

The Chairman and members of the Youth and Sports Committee, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Youth and Sport, Sector for Regional Development and Enhancing Entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, Ministry of Education, Director of the South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning Efka Heder, Kragujevac University Professor Dr Verica Babic, Project Coordinator of the youth programme of the “Civic Society for Democracy and Civil Society” Marko Stojanovic, and representatives of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and non-governmental organisations took part in the gathering.

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