18 November 2015 Presentation “Supervisory function mechanisms – organising public hearings and following recommendations given in audit of expediency reports”

18 November 2015 Presentation “Supervisory function mechanisms – organising public hearings and following recommendations given in audit of expediency reports”

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Presentation “Supervisory Function Mechanisms – Organising Public Hearings and Following Recommendations Given in Audit of Expediency Reports”

The members of the Subcommittee for Reviewing Audit Reports of the State Audit Institution were briefed today on the supervisory function mechanisms and the experiences of the US Government Accountability Office and Congress in the area.

The National Assembly Deputy Speaker and Chair of the Subcommittee for Reviewing Audit Reports of the State Audit Institution Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic thanked USAID for supporting the Subcommittee through the Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project and facilitating the exchange of experiences among different countries about the relationship between their audit institutions and parliaments.

Joseph Christoff, former Director of International Affairs at the US Government Accountability Office, spoke about the experiences of his country, organisation of public hearings and following recommendations contained in audit of expediency reports. He mainly focused on the types of public hearings organised in the US Congress and the matrix applied to follow recommendations. Christoff then spoke about the potential for organising similar public hearings on the expediency reports drafted by the Serbian State Audit Institution (DRI).

After the presentation the Subcommittee members and the former Director of International Affairs at the US Government Accountability Office exchanged opinions on specific public hearing examples, the mechanisms the Congress uses, number of expediency reports published by the State Audit Institution, and the rules and procedures applied to public hearings in the Congress which are very different than the ones applied in Serbia.

The President of the DRI Council Radoslav Sretenovic, who attended the presentation, spoke briefly about following the recommendations the DRI gives budget fund beneficiaries and announced the completion of two expediency reports next year which could be topics for public hearings similar to the ones organised by the Congress.

The members of the Subcommittee agreed that it is possible to organise a public hearing on the DRI’s expediency reports at the National Assembly, following the mechanisms used by the Congress, and said they were ready to co-operate with the DRI on drafting a Rulebook on public hearings on expediency reports modelled after US practice.

The presentation was organised by the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending in cooperation with USAID Judicial Reform and Government Accountability Project.

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