22 February 2012 National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic at the opening of the International Seminar on the Relationship between National Human Rights Institutions and Parliaments

22 February 2012 National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic at the opening of the International Seminar on the Relationship between National Human Rights Institutions and Parliaments

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

National Assembly Speaker Opens International Seminar on the Relationship between National Human Rights Institutions and Parliaments

At the opening of the two-day seminar, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic said that human rights were the foundation of the societies we strive for which was why even the strictest adherence to human rights did not polarize the civilized world.

“The supreme legislative body of every state, the one creating the legal framework governing the lives of our citizens, is obligated to adapt that framework to fit the human rights belonging to those from whose civil capacity it draws its authority”, said Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, stressing that the parliament had one extra obligation – “to facilitate the work of institutions concerned with human rights protection. In Serbia, that is the Ombudsman with whom the NARS enjoys a commendable relationship”.

The National Assembly Speaker mentioned international documents such as the Paris Principles and Abuja Guidelines, adding that she was sure the discussion about the role of parliaments in establishing national human rights institutions and cooperation in the legislative process and implementation of the principle of accountability, would greatly contribute to the formulation of adequate principles, broad enough to ensure them international acceptance.

Djukic Dejanovic thanked the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and OHCHR in Serbia for the excellent cooperation, confirmed on several occasions, particularly when regulating the cooperation with the Ombudsman. “I am certain that your successful efforts will result in a document containing enough answers to current and future questions regarding the regulation of the relationship between the legislature and human rights institutions and that the Belgrade Principles will have their rightful place in the annals of international law”, concluded the National Assembly Speaker.

The seminar aims to provide the opportunity to draft and adopt globally applicable principles which would serve as a foundation for the relationship between parliaments and national human rights institutions. On the second day of the seminar, at the final session, the participants are to adopt the Belgrade Principles on the relationship between national human rights institutions and parliaments.

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