28 March 2019 National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic and Georgian Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze

28 March 2019 National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic and Georgian Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze

Thursday, 28 March 2019

Gojkovic and Georgian Parliament Speaker, Partnership Agreement Signed

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic met today with Georgian Parliament Speaker Irakli Kobakhidze, in official visit to Serbia, after which they signed a Partnership Agreement between the two parliaments.

Gojkovic and Kobakhidze emphasized the two countries’ traditional friendship and good political relations which should be strengthened across the board in the coming period, especially in the sphere of economy.

Gojkovic said that this was the first visit of a Georgian Parliament Speaker in the history of the two countries’ relations, adding that the Partnership Agreement would raise the parliamentary cooperation to an institutional level. Gojkovic said that the Partnership Agreement would also strengthen cooperation in the area of European integration since both countries strive to join the organization and help the development of cooperation in the spheres of foreign affairs and economy, as well as between the delegations in international parliamentary organizations.

Gojkovic thanked the Georgian Parliament Speaker for Georgia’s support of international law and Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, stressing that Serbia respects Georgia’s territorial integrity, too.

Gojkovic also thanked Georgia for never voting against Serbia’s interests in international organizations and standing by Serbia during so-called Kosovo’s INTRERPOL and UNESCO bids.

The Serbian Assembly Speaker briefed Speaker Kobakhidze on the situation in Kosovo-Metohija and Pristina’s radicalization of relations by the decision to establish the so-called Kosovo Army and violate the rules of free trade by imposing a 100% customs tariff on goods from central Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kobakhidze emphasized the positive dynamics of the relations between Serbia and Georgia, saying that the Serbian Assembly Speaker’s visit to Georgia and her presence at the inauguration of the Georgian President had promoted the intensification of these relations.

Kobakhidze said that the two countries enjoy a very good political cooperation, that they support one another’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, stressing that Georgia stands firmly by Serbia, always supporting it in international organizations and voting against so-called Kosovo’s attempts to join them, and will continue to pursue this policy.

Kobakhidze said that the parliamentary dimension is vital in the overall relations. Serbia and Georgia share a common goal – EU accession, and Serbia’s experience of the process is invaluable for Georgia.
The Georgian Parliament Speaker said that the potential for the development of economic cooperation is vast, as well as in spheres of tourism, education, science, culture and sports.

Gojkovic and Kobakhidze agreed that the abolition of visas would bring the two nations closer together, and a direct flight would give a big boost to the development of economic cooperation and tourism.

Gojkovic and Kobakhidze praised the Serbia – Georgia Business Forum, organized under the auspices of the Georgian Parliament Speaker’s visit, which would provide the opportunity to analyse how best to advance cooperation in the sphere.

The two parliament speakers also praised the opening of the Georgian honorary consulate in Belgrade and diplomatic offices in Belgrade and Tbilisi.

Kobakhidze addressed the National Assembly at a Special Sitting and the two parliament speakers visited the exhibition on the 100th anniversary of the Georgian Parliament at the Serbian Assembly.

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  • 11.00 - sitting of the Committee on Education, Science, Technological Development and the Information Society (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

  • 12.00 - the National Assembly Speaker meets with the US Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square)

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