22 October 2019 The National Assembly Speaker and the Kenyan Parliament Speaker

22 October 2019 The National Assembly Speaker and the Kenyan Parliament Speaker

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Gojkovic Meets with Kenyan Parliament Speaker

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic met today with Kenyan Parliament Speaker Justin Muturi, currently in official visit to Serbia.

Gojkovic and Muturi stressed that the traditionally good bilateral relations accompanied by full mutual understanding and grounded in the historic friendship and support between the two nations deserve to be advanced in all areas of common interest.

Recalling the cooperation from the times of the Non-Aligned Movement and period of Kenya’s independence struggles, Muturi said that Belgrade lives on in the memory of many Kenyans who worked on the development of the country, which is why cooperation between the two countries should continue to develop.

Muturi stressed that Kenya supports Serbia, stands is firm in its support of UNSC Resolution 1244 and does not support any one-sided decisions or unilateralism. Gojkovic thanked Kenya for its principled adherence to international law, for not recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo-Metohija and for supporting Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Gojkovic also thanked Kenya for its support in so-called “Kosovo’s” attempts to join international organizations.

Gojkovic and Muturi agreed that Kenyan Parliament Speaker’s visit to Serbia so soon after Gojkovic’s visit to Kenya speaks volumes about the two countries’ friendly relations and readiness to strengthen parliamentary ties.

Gojkovic and Muturi stressed that the Serbian Assembly Speaker’s visit to Kenya in February was of historic importance as the first of its kind in decades. Gojkovic and Muturi said that the two parliaments follow the wish of the two peoples to strengthen parliamentary relations made reality by the institutionalization of parliamentary cooperation in the Memorandum of Understanding signed during the Serbian Assembly Speaker’s visit to Nairobi. The two parliament speakers agreed that this keystone agreement contributes to the development of cooperation between the parliamentary working bodies, friendship groups and support services.

Gojkovic and Muturi went on to discuss the potentials for developing cooperation and the level of working bodies in charge of foreign affairs, agriculture, healthcare, environmental protection, culture and education.

Gojkovic then thanked the Kenyan parliamentary delegation headed by Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka for participating in the recent 141st Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Belgrade

Gojkovic and Muturi also discussed strengthening economic ties and potentials for cooperation in the fields of agriculture, medicine, technology, environmental protection and education, and praised the increase in the number of scholarships for students from Kenya under the auspices of the “World in Serbia” programme, a move which, Muturi opined, will win Serbia the best ambassadors in Kenya.

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