Thursday, 18 August 2016

Fourth Sitting of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending

At the fourth sitting, held on 18 August 2016, the members of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending interviewed the candidates for president and members of the Securities Commission and established the Proposal of the Decision on the election of president and members of the Securities Commission.

After the presentation of the candidates nominated by the parliamentary groups, the Committee members adopted the Proposal of the Decision on the election of president and members of the Securities Commission. Predrag Dedeic was nominated for Commission President, while Zarko Milicevic, Vladisav Stankovic, Mirjana Ivosevic and Marko Jankovic were nominated for members.

The Committee also considered and accepted the request of Svetlana Razic, employee of the Public Procurement Office, for prior written consent to perform additional paid activity.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairperson Dr Aleksandra Tomic, and attended by Committee members and deputy members Zika Gojkovic, Dusan Bajatovic, Momo Colakovic, Sasa Radulovic, Zoran Bojanic, Milan Lapcevic, Dr Milorad Mijatovic, Goran Ciric, Olivera Pesic, Ivan Manojlovic, Arpad Fremond, Snezana Petrovic and Radmilo Kostic.

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