Wednesday, 7 November 2007

EIighth Sitting of the Committee on Defence and Security

At the sitting held on 7 November, the Committee on Defence and Security discussed the Asylum Bill and proposed that the National Assembly adopt the Bill in principle.

At the sitting held on 7 November, the Committee on Defence and Security discussed the Asylum Bill and proposed that the National Assembly adopt the Bill in principle. The representative of the submitters briefed the Committee members on the most significant solutions of this legal project, reminding them that it will regulate the matter of asylum in an entirely modern way since the law that regulates this matter dates from 1980. The Bill will enable the alignment with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and the International Conventions and Directives of the European Union.

The Committee went on to discuss the amendments submitted to the Bill on the confirmation of the Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the European Community on the readmission of persons of illegal stay, after their being expounded on by the Members of Parliament who submitted the amendments. The Committee proposed that the National Assembly reject the three amendments submitted to the Bill.

The sitting was chaired by the Committee Chairman, Ivica Dacic.

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  • 11.00 - sitting of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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