National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details
Thursday, 12 October 2023
32nd Sitting of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues
At the sitting held on 12 October 2023, the members of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues considered the resignation tendered to the post of MP by Sanja Lakic.
The Committee Chairman proposed submitting a Report to the National Assembly declaring that said situation falls under Article 131, paragraph 2, item 6 of the Law on Election of MPs which lists resignation as a reason for the termination of an MP’s term of office, with the proposal that the National Assembly note the termination of the term of office of MP Sanja Lakic.
The Committee members then considered the Republic of Serbia Energy Agency’s request for the recruitment of new full time staff for 2023, presented by Dejan Popovic, Agency Council President.
Following a debate, the Committee adopted the Decision to grant consent to the Republic of Serbia Energy Agency’s request for the recruitment of new staff, viz. full-time recruitment of four new staff: two lawyers, one of them an intern, one economist and an engineer.
The Committee also considered and adopted the Proposal of the Decision amending the Decision on the MPs’ and other persons’ seating arrangements in the Grand Hall of the National Assembly House 21 no: 404-1892/22-5 of 6 October 2022 and 21 no: 4040-1892/22-9 of 1 September 2023, submitted by MP Milenko Jovanov, item 2 of which ascertains that the MPs of the People’s Movement of Serbia – Ecological Uprising – New Face of Serbia Parliamentary Group will occupy three seats in the fifth row and five seats in the sixth row of the Grand Hall of the National Assembly House.
The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Milenko Jovanov, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Dr Vesna Ivkovic, Aleksandar Mirkovic, Ana Miljanic, Dragana Miljanic, Dr Ugljesa Mrdic, Aleksandar Markovic, Veroljub Matic, Radmila Vasic, Djordje Komlenski, Slavisa Ristic, Miroslav Aleksic, Dr Dragana Rakic and Sandra Bozic.