Thursday, 23 May 2019

28th Sitting of the Security Services Control Committee

The sitting of the Security Services Control Committee held on 23 May 2019 was attended by Bratislav Gasic, Director of the Security Information Agency, Brigadier General Djuro Jovanic, Director of the Military Security Agency, and Brigadier General Zoran Stojkovic, Director of the Military Intelligence Agency.

The Committee members gave their full support to the efforts of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Government of the Republic of Serbia to maintain peace and stability in the region and protect Serbia’s national interests in spite of Pristina’s constant provocations.

The directors of the security services informed Committee Chairman MA Igor Becic and members about the current situation in AP Kosovo-Metohija characterised by high tensions caused by Pristina’s moves. The illegal customs fees imposed on goods from Serbia, usurpation of economic entities and failure to fulfil the obligations laid out in the Brussels Agreement as regards the Community of Serb Municipalities, accompanied by evident secessionist tendencies of some Albanian politicians in the south of Serbia are a clear provocation and attempt to undermine stability in the region.

The Committee rejected the resolution on the alleged war crimes committed by Serbia in Kosovo-Metohija, adopted by the Pristina institutions, stressing that this is just one in a series of Pristina’s provocative moves that undermine the dialogue. While Serbia, and President Vucic, tries to keep peace and security in the region by any means possible and promotes dialogue and reconciliation, the authorities in Pristina strive to keep us in the past with their moves because instability in the region is their only way to remain in power.

The Security Services Control Committee believes that it is high time the international community reacted to Pristina’s provocations and constant undermining of dialogue. Instead of the attempt to undermine the exceptional and definitive triumph of the Serbian List in the local election in Kosovo-Metohija, we expect a condemnation and reaction to the imposition of illegal customs fees, refusal to set up the Community of Serb Municipalities, adoption of an insane resolution and the daily endangerment of the security of Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija.

The Committee reminds the international peacekeeping forces in Kosovo-Metohija that their task is to keep peace and order viz. secure and maintain security in Kosovo-Metohija, and demands its full focus on the security of the Serbian people in Kosovo-Metohija, who are most at risk.

The sitting, closed to the public, was chaired by Committee Chairman MA Igor Becic.

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thursday, 19 september
  • 12.00 - sitting of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 13.00 - the Deputy Chairman of the European Integration Committee meets with a member of Bundestag (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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