Monday, 18 September 2006

27th sitting of the Poverty Reduction Committee

The Poverty Reduction Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held its twenty-seventh sitting on 18 September at the Lesser Hall of Assembly House.

The Poverty Reduction Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held its twenty-seventh sitting on 18 September at the Lesser Hall of Assembly House. The sitting was held in the form of a roundtable chaired by Snezana Stojanovic-Plavsic.

The main item on the agenda was initiating regular co-ordination meetings between all stakeholders; the sitting was attended by members of the National Assembly Committee on Labour, Ex-Servicemen’s and Social Issues and the Local Self-Government Committee, as well as implementation partners for the Poverty Reduction Strategy. Also present were officials of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Team, non-governmental organisations, the EU Integration Office, employer associations, and other interested parties.

At the start of the sitting, the attendees were addressed by the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Predrag Markovic, who emphasised that all of Serbia’s strategies, and especially the Poverty Reduction Strategy, required a partnership of all stakeholders, from public authorities and the non-governmental sector to the economy; no strategy would, however, bear fruit if information was not shared and if institutions did not incite one another to further efforts, Markovic concluded.

The sitting saw the tabling of a proposal to organise future activities through a Forum for all implementing partners of the Poverty Reduction Strategy. The Forum would improve communication between stakeholders and thereby ensure better conditions for further implementation of the document.

All participants in the discussion hailed the idea of setting up a Forum, as this would be a good way to gather all poverty stakeholders in one place, and for them to exchange their experiences and information on initiatives in progress, good practices, and future actions.

It was concluded for the Forum to meet in plenary session four times each year, and that meetings devoted to topical issues should be organised in the meantime. The participants proposed several topics to be discussed at upcoming meetings; the proposal was adopted to open future sittings to new participants and to ensure the participation of officials from the appropriate Ministries.

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monday, 9 december
  • 10.00 - the students of the School of International Studies University of Denver visit the National Assembly House (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square)

  • 10.00 - sitting of the of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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