12 February 2016 Participants of the 24th meeting of the National Assembly Economic Caucus

12 February 2016 Participants of the 24th meeting of the National Assembly Economic Caucus

Friday, 12 February 2016

24th Meeting of National Assembly Economic Caucus

At its 24th meeting, held on 12 February, the National Assembly Economic Caucus was presented the Draft Law on the Public Sector Salaries System.

Speaking of the Draft Law, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Kori Udovicki said that one of its aims is to demystify public sector salaries. During the reviewing of the system and the drafting of job and title catalogues, it was ascertained that the salaries are not that different, but the system itself should be more transparent. The Draft Law establishes its transparency and the principles of public administration, added Udovicki.

She reminded the attending that public enterprises had not been exempted from the Draft Law, they simply do not fall under its purview, since the Draft Law concerns public administration. The National Bank of Serbia is in a similar situation because according to the international classification it belongs to the public corporate sector, stressed Udovicki.

Drazen Maravic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, presented the innovations contained in the Draft Law such as the calculation of salaries using a single salary base making them easy to compare, adoption of special laws to regulate the labour-legal status, salaries and other wages, establishment of job posts in public administration and preparation of job catalogues for the entire general administration. Also, those state authorities which establish titles, posts and job positions by special laws will keep that right, and the salaries of functionaries heading the authority would be minimum 10% higher than the highest salary of a civil servant employed by the authority, added Maravic. Basic salary will be ascertained according to the salary base and the range matrix covering all the titles and positions, the implementation of which will begin with the 2017 budget. The Draft contains a set of basic principles according to which part of the salary will depend on the output, which will be subject to another law which is to ascertain how the output is to be measured, reminded Maravic. Also, years of service will remain part of the salary, as will bonuses which will be the same for everybody in the system, such as bonuses for working at night, during state holidays and similar.

After the presentation, the members of the Economic Caucus, NALED and representatives of the local self-governments of Sabac, Pecinci, Arandjelovac and Cacak exchanged opinions on the proposed Draft Law with the representatives of the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government. They also spoke about the special laws that would be regulating the area, salaries in public enterprises, years of service as component part of the salary and the compliance of this part of the Draft Law with the Labour Law.

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