Thursday, 11 February 2016

15th Sitting of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region

At the sitting held on 11 February, the members of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region discussed the proposal for the election of a Committee representative for the Commission for the establishment of the Council for the improvement of the flow on information on topics from the Serbian diaspora and the Report on the Committee delegation’s visit to Skopje, Macedonia, 27-28 January 2016.

The Committee unanimously decided to postpone the discussion and ruling on the proposal for the election of a Committee representative for the Commission for the establishment of the Council for the improvement of the flow on information on topics from the Serbian diaspora until the establishment of the new Assembly legislature.

In the continuation, Committee Chairman Goran Bogdanovic presented the Report on the Committee delegation’s visit to Skopje, Macedonia, 27-28 January 2016, after which the Committee members unanimously accepted the Report.

The Committee members accepted the invitation to the event “Days of Francophonie”, organised by the Assembly of Serbs of Southern France in Lyon, 14 – 18 March 2016, and decided that the three-member Committee delegation should comprise Sinisa Maksimovic, Milan Stevanovic and Jovana Jovanovic.

By majority vote, the Committee members decided that the Committee Chairman and Deputy Chairman, Goran Bogdanovic and Miodrag Linta, should have verbal consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding the initiative for a Committee delegation to visit Dragan Vasiljkovic in prison in Split.

The sitting was attended by Committee members and deputy members Miodrag Linta, Aleksandar Cotric, Milinko Zivkovic, Bratimir Vasiljevic, Branko Djurovic, Jovana Jovanovic, Nenad Nikolic, Aleksandar Peranovic, Milan Stevanovic, Milorad Haji Stosic, Nebojsa Beric, Mirjana Maras and Sinisa Maksimovic.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Goran Bogdanovic.

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