Bringing institutions and citizens closer together

Buildings of state institutions in which important political decisions are made are open to the public.

The goal of the program titled „Bringing Institutions Closer to Citizens” is to provide the opportunity for citizens to directly acquaint themselves with the way that decisions are made in our country, to learn to follow what their vote is “doing”, and to better understand the functioning of the system.

Within this program, the citizens have the opportunity to visit the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, and the seat of the President of the Republic of Serbia, New Palace.

The program is realized on the first Saturday of each month.
You can apply at the Belgrade Tourist Organization.
For additional information please call: +381 (0)11-2635-622

What is the National Assembly?

The National Assembly is the highest representative body and the carrier of constitutional and legislative power in the Republic of Serbia. The National Assembly is the most important state institution because it adopts and changes the Constitution – the highest and most important legal act of the state. In addition, the National Assembly passes laws, decides on changes to the borders of the Republic of Serbia, announces referenda at the level of the Republic, ratifies international treaties, adopts the Budget and the defense strategy, and decides on war and peace as well as other issues in accordance with the Constitution.

Competences of the National Assembly are defined in the Constitution and the National Assembly Rules of Procedure. The Law on National Assembly was passed in accordance with the Constitution.

The publication is the result of cooperation between the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the OSCE Mission to Serbia, published in Belgrade, 2009.

Download publication here (PDF, 1.7MB)
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