Committee Sittings outside of the National Assembly Seat


Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Third Sitting of the Committee on Interethnic Relations

The Committee on Interethnic Relations held its third sitting on 17 December in the Palace of Serbia, the premises of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights.

The Committee on Interethnic Relations held its third sitting on 17 December in the Palace of Serbia, the premises of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights. The sitting was attended by the Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Svetozar Ciplic and associates, the presidents and representatives of national councils, as well as the members of the Working Group tasked with the Draft Law on National Councils of National Minorities.

The draft version of the Law on National Councils of National Minorities was discussed at the sitting. The Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Svetozar Ciplic stressed that the Draft Law, made with the participation of national councils representatives, regulates the manner of election and jurisdiction of the councils, as well as voter lists. The purpose of the Law will be to respect the differences among the national minorities and their specificities. It is essential not to reduce the life of national communities to the national councils which will be merely mechanisms to try to operationalise all forms of minority self-government, Ciplic emphasised.

The Committee discussed the Draft Law with the present guests. The Committee members agreed, based on the analysis of the text, that the draft is a good starting point for the further procedure of adopting the law.

The Committee members went on to adopt the Proposal of the Decision to form a Sub-Committee to discuss the issues concerning the improvement of the position of Roma and implementation of the Decade of Roma. The Committee also endorsed the Request to support the foundation of a Roma national satellite television and cable network television.

Belgrade: Photo gallery

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