Thursday, 17 March 2005

Third Session of the First Regular Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2005

The Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Predrag Markovic, convened the Third Session of the First Regular Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2005 for 10 a.

The Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Predrag Markovic, convened the Third Session of the First Regular Sitting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2005 for 10 a.m. on Thursday 17 March 2005.

At the beginning of the session, the deputies observed a minute's silence as a mark of respect for victims of the violence in Kosovo and Metohia one year ago.

The following agenda was set by the National Assembly for this session:

1. Bill Amending and Modifying the Act on the Securities and Other Financial Instruments Market, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
2. Bill Amending and Modifying the Share Fund Act, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
3. Bill Amending and Modifying the Privatisation Act, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
4. Bill on the Settlement of Obligations Between the Republic of Serbia and Bankrupt Banks Arising From Foreign Credits and/or Loans, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
5. Bill Amending the Act on the Organisation and Powers of Public Authorities in Suppressing Organised Crime, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
6. Seed Bill, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
7. Bill Repealing the Electric Power Generation Company Act, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
8. Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
9. Bill Amending the Health Insurance Act, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
10. Tourism Bill, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
11. Government Bill, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
12. Public Administration Bill, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
13. Competition Protection Bill, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
14. Proposal of the Decision on the Election of the Chairperson and Members of the Governing Board of the Republic Telecommunications Agency, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
15. Proposal of the Decision on the Election of the Chairperson and Members of the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
16. Proposal for Granting the Concession for Building, Operating and Maintaining the Motorway Route from Horgos to Pozega, Lot 1: Belgrade – Pozega (E-763), Lot 2: Horgos – Novi Sad (E-75), and Lot 3: Novi Sad – Belgrade (E-75), along with an accompanying Proposal of a Conclusion, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
17. Proposal for Granting the Concession for Building, Operating and Maintaining the Motorway Route E-80 from Nis (Trupale Junction) to Dimitrovgrad, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
18. Proposal of the Decision on Animal Health Protection Measures in the Republic of Serbia for 2005, 2006 and 2007, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
19. Proposals of decisions upholding the immunity of deputies, proposed by the Administrative Committee;
20. Election of members of the National Education Council;
21. Proposal of the Decision on the Formation of a Board of Inquiry to Assess the Veracity of Claims of Parents of Newborn Babies Abducted from Maternity Wards in Several Cities of Serbia, proposed by a group of 22 deputies from the Socialist Party of Serbia Deputies' Group;
22. Proposal of the Decision Designating Archival Material Kept at the Nikola Tesla Museum as the Nikola Tesla Personal Fund Cultural Heritage of Exceptional Interest, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
23. Proposal of the Decision Establishing the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia to 2015, proposed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia;
24. Business Report of the Securities and Exchange Commission for 2003, with its associated Annual Balance Sheet and Report of the Authorised Auditor, proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission;
25. Financial Plan of the Securities and Exchange Commission for 2004, proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission;
26. Financial Plan of the Securities and Exchange Commission for 2005, proposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission;
27. Articles of Association of the National Bank of Serbia, submitted by the National Bank of Serbia;
28. Decision on the Establishment of the Service of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, the Decision on Salaries at the Service of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, as well as the Regulations on Organisation and Classification of Positions at the Service of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, proposed by the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance;
29. Election of the Vice-Chairperson of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, at the request of a group of 53 deputies of the Democratic Party of Serbia Deputies' Group.

On the first day of the session, the National Assembly started joint debate in principle on the Bill Amending and Modifying the Act on the Securities and Other Financial Instruments Market, the Bill Amending and Modifying the Share Fund Act and the Bill Amending and Modifying the Privatisation Act.

On the second day of the session (21 March), the National Assembly concluded joint debate in principle on the Bill Amending and Modifying the Act on the Securities and Other Financial Instruments Market, the Bill Amending and Modifying the Share Fund Act and the Bill Amending and Modifying the Privatisation Act.

On the third day of the session (22 March), the National Assembly discussed the particulars of the Bill Amending and Modifying the Act on the Securities and Other Financial Instruments Market and the Bill Amending and Modifying the Share Fund Act.

On the fourth day of the session (23 March), the National Assembly discussed the particulars of the Bill Amending and Modifying the Privatisation Act.

On the sixth day of the session (29 March), the National Assembly discussed the particulars of the Bill on the Settlement of Obligations Between the Republic of Serbia and Bankrupt Banks Arising From Foreign Credits and/or Loans.

The National Assembly then went on to discuss the Bill Amending the Act on the Organisation and Powers of Public Authorities in Suppressing Organised Crime.

On the seventh day of the session (30 March), the National Assembly held discussion in principle on the Seed Bill.

On the eighth day of the session (31 March), the National Assembly commenced discussing the particulars of the Seed Bill.

On the ninth day of the session (5 April), the National Assembly continued discussing the particulars of the Seed Bill.

On the tenth day of the session (6 April), the National Assembly concluded discussion of the particulars of the Seed Bill.

On the eleventh day of the session (12 April), the National Assembly commenced joint discussion in principle on the Bill Repealing the Electric Power Generation Company Act and joint discussion on the Proposal of Decision on Candidates for Election of the Chairperson and Members of the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the Proposal of the Decision Establishing the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia to 2015.

At the start of the twelfth day of the session (13 April), the National Assembly noted that the mandate of deputy Ostoja Stojanovic, elected from the Serbian Radical Party – Dr Vojislav Seselj Electoral List, had terminated on the day of death.

The National Assembly conducted joint discussion in principle of the Bill Repealing the Electric Power Generation Company Act and joint discussion on the Proposal of Candidates for Membership on the Council of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia and the Proposal of the Decision Establishing the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia to 2015.

In the afternoon part of the session, the National Assembly concluded discussion on the particulars of the Bill Repealing the Electric Power Generation Company Act, and commenced discussing the Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property in principle.

At the start of the thirteenth day of the session (14 April), the National Assemby noted the confirmation of the mandate of deputy Milorad Buha, elected from the Serbian Radical Party – Dr Vojislav Seselj Electoral List. The National Assembly noted that the mandate of deputy Milutin Pesic, elected from the Democratic Party of Serbia – Vojislav Kostunica Electoral List, had terminated before the expiry of the term to which he had been elected, on the date of death.

The National Assembly went on to discuss the Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property in principle, and commenced discussing its particulars.

At the start of the fourteenth day of the session (19 April), the National Assembly noted the confirmation of the mandate of deputy Zoran Stojanovic, elected from the Democratic Party of Serbia – Vojislav Kostunica Electoral List.

The National Assembly then went on to discuss the particulars of the Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property.

On the sixteenth day of the session (20 April), the National Assembly continued discussing the particulars of the Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property.

On the sixteenth day of the session (21 April), the National Assembly discussed the particulars of the Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property.

On the seventeenth day of the session (25 April), the National Assembly went on to discuss the particulars of the Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property.

On the eighteenth day of the session (26 April), the National Assembly concluded discussion on the particulars of the Bill on Submitting Claims for and Registering Forcibly Nationalised Property.

On the nineteenth day of the session (10 May), the National Assembly discussed the Bill Amending the Health Insurance Act in principle and in particular and started discussing the Tourism Bill in principle.

On the twentieth day of the session (11 May), the deputies concluded discussing the Tourism Bill in principle, and commenced to debate amendments submitted to the Bill.

Discussion on the particulars of the Tourism Bill continued on the twenty first day of the session (12 May).

On the twenty-second day of the session (16 May), the National Assembly concluded discussing the particulars of the Tourism Bill and commenced joint discussion in principle of the Government Bill and the Public Administration Bill.

On the twenty-third day of the session (17 May), the National Assembly concluded joint debate in principle on the Government Bill and the Public Administration Bill.

In the afternoon part of the session, the deputies commenced discussing particulars of the Government Bill.

On the twenty-fourth day of the session (18 May), the National Assembly continued discussing the particulars of the Government Bill.

On the twenty-fifth day of the session (19 May), the National Assembly discussed the particulars of the Government Bill.

The National Assembly went on to include in the agenda of the session, under urgent procedure, proposals of decisions on the Election of Committees of the National Assembly, proposed by deputies Tomislav Nikolic and Dusan Petrovic and the Motion for the Election of the Ninth Member of the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency, submitted by deputy Aleksandar Lazarevic, resolving to continue working until discussion of new items was complete.

After a one-day recess (on 20 May), the Minister of Justice in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Zoran Loncar, withdrew from procedure the Public Administration Bill and the Competition Protection Bill.

The National Assembly concluded joint debate on the Proposal of the Decision on the Election of the Chairperson and Members of the Governing Board of the Republic Telecommunications Agency and joint debate of the Proposal for Granting the Concession for Building, Operating and Maintaining the Motorway Route from Horgos to Pozega, Lot 1: Belgrade – Pozega (E-763), Lot 2: Horgos – Novi Sad (E-75), and Lot 3: Novi Sad – Belgrade (E-75), along with an accompanying Proposal of a Conclusion, and the Proposal for Granting the Concession for Building, Operating and Maintaining the Motorway Route E-80 from Nis (Trupale Junction) to Dimitrovgrad.

Continuing work according to the agenda, the National Assembly held joint discussion on the Proposal of the Decision on Animal Health Protection Measures in the Republic of Serbia for 2005, 2006 and 2007, on Proposals of decisions upholding the immunity of deputies, and on the election of members of the National Education Council.

The National Assembly concluded joint debate on the Proposal of the Decision on the Formation of a Board of Inquiry to Assess the Veracity of Claims of Parents of Newborn Babies Abducted from Maternity Wards in Several Cities of Serbia, the Proposal of the Decision Designating Archival Material Kept at the Nikola Tesla Museum as the Nikola Tesla Personal Fund Cultural Heritage of Exceptional Interest, the Proposal of the Decision Establishing the Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Serbia to 2015, the decision authorising internal acts of the Service of the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance, proposals of decisions amending the Decision on the Election of Members of Committees of the National Assembly, and the Motion for the Election of the Ninth Member of the Council of the Republic Broadcasting Agency.

As the National Assembly had discussed all items of the agenda of the session, Mr Markovic called a Voting Day session for 1 p.m. on Monday 23 May.

The Assembly continues its session.

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