Monday, 27 November 2006

Serbian and Carinthian parliamentary delegations meet

A delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, headed by its chairperson, Gordana Comic, today met a delegation of the parliament of the Austrian province of Carinthia, led by the First President of Carinthia’s Parliament, Dr Joerg Freunschlag.

A delegation of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, headed by its chairperson, Gordana Comic, today met a delegation of the parliament of the Austrian province of Carinthia, led by the First President of Carinthia’s Parliament, Dr Joerg Freunschlag.
The talks focused on possibilities for improving political and economic co-operation, particularly establishing closer ties between the two parliaments.
Carinthian MPs expressed interest in political and economic situation in Serbia, adding that they supported Serbia’s accession to European integrations and that they were prepared to assist it in this endeavour.

As far as economic co-operation is concerned, members of the visiting delegation singled out especially the possibility of co-operating in the fields of energy, aircraft manufacturing, tourism, infrastructure, forestry, and environmental protection, and showed interest for terms of investing into Serbia.

Ms Comic said that Serbia was ‘in the midst of the sixth year of its transition, and facing problems faced by all other Eastern European nations,’ but that it also had ‘a list of inherited problems it needs to solve.’ Economic and financial progress, increasing investment, and steady reforms have not, however, led to a rise in employment. Ms Comic reiterated that Serbia had recently adopted a new Constitution, and that a campaign was under way for parliamentary elections. She said that 2007 would be ‘devoted to implementing the Constitution and further reforming the political system.’
‘European integrations, and the acceptance of European principles and values, are our primary foreign policy goals,’ Comic said, and underlined that additional priorities were improving regional co-operation and establishing firmer and more stable relations and ties with parliaments of neighbouring and other Balkan countries.
Serbian delegation members especially underlined the fact that Serbia needed to solve the issue of environmental protection before joining the EU – particularly the pressing waste water problem. Some countries – Norway, the Czech Republic, and Poland – were already providing assistance, but Carinthia’s help would be welcome, the meting heard. In addition, Serbian deputies stressed that Carinthian help could go a long way towards aiding Serbia develop winter tourism, for which there is great potential.

Committee members also said Serbia had created a legislative framework that fosters foreign investment.

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