18 May 2018 Participants of the roundtable on the Birth Incentive Strategy

18 May 2018 Participants of the roundtable on the Birth Incentive Strategy

Friday, 18 May 2018

Roundtable on Birth Incentive Strategy

The National Assembly marked the International Day of Families by a roundtable on the Birth Incentive Strategy attended by representatives of the non-governmental sector, Serbian Orthodox Church, psychotherapists and social workers, as well as MPs Marija Janjusevic, Dr Dijana Vukomanovic and Bosko Obradovic.

Obradovic said that his parliamentary group applauds the state’s effort to combat the failing birth rates.

“In the last few months Serbia has shown it is aware of the dire demographic situation and launched a series of population measures which should reverse the failing birth rates”, said Obradovic. He commended the state’s decision to start solving what he termed the most important social issue.

MP Marija Janjusevic believes that family policy should be separate from social policy and that families need concrete assistance in the form of tax breaks, adjusted working hours and tax reform.

Dr Dijana Vukomanovic spoke about the status of women and the discrimination they struggle against such as the salary gap between men and women doing the same job. She said that there has been some progress in the field of gender equality, mentioning the fact that a third of the National Assembly members are women as a shining example.

The participants of the roundtable agreed that the status of the family and birth incentives should come before any ideology or national, religious and political differences. They agreed that the state should serve the family which would to an extent mean an amendment to the Constitution.

Following the discussion the participants of the roundtable adopted the following conclusions:

  1. Family policy is a sum of state and social measures aimed at improving the economic standing of families, especially families with children and birth incentives to bring family interests and family values into the focus of social and political activities.
  2. The measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia to encourage births are a good start, but are not systematic and therefore insufficient. The Government needs to involve all the relevant organizations and individuals into the drafting of key measures and strategies for the survival of the nation.
  3. The need to form an Association of institutions, organizations and individuals prepared to overcome ideological or program differences and join forces to help the state create better living conditions for its citizens and become a friend to the family.
  4. Education must take responsibility to address the issue, educate future generations and direct its efforts toward the affirmation of family values.
  5. To work on the quality of marriage and creation of a healthy and functional family, not just provide material assistance.
  6. Celebrate May 15 as Day of Families.
  7. Continue with the practice of organizing roundtables, events and lectures to raise public awareness on the issue and include new organization in the fight to change the system of values, which is essential.
  8. Follow the realization of the measures voiced herein and proposals for their inclusion in the Strategy and cooperation with the cabinet of the Minister without portfolio responsible for demography and population policy which is expected to evolve into a Ministry on the Family.
  9. More serious cooperation with the Serbian diaspora to preserve the Serb national entity.
  10. Associations and organizations dedicated to family values, family and the individual in contemporary society must have the state’s financial support.
  11. Because of its help to maintain the Serbian people in the most difficult historical circumstances the Serbian Orthodox Church should have a more active role in addressing this issue. All the other traditional religious communities should assist these efforts.
  12. Send requests to the Government, relevant ministry, REM, National Assembly, TVs with national frequencies to enable the individual promotion of each organization and the future Association.

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friday, 20 september
  • 10.30 - press conference of MP Vladimir Pajic (National Assembly House 13, Nikola Pasic Square, Central Hall)

  • 11.00 - sitting of the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Committee (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

  • 13.00 - National Assembly Deputy Speaker Marina Ragus speaks at the Days of America (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, Grand Hall)

  • 13.00 - Days of America, event organised by the Serbian-American Friendship Congress (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, Grand Hall)

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