Monday, 28 November 2011

PACE Standing Committee Holds Meeting in Edinburgh

The Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe met in Edinburgh, United Kingdom, on 26 November 2011. At the meeting, the Committee adopted the report on “Psychological Violence” drafted by deputy member of the National Assembly’s Standing Delegation to the PACE Elvira Kovacs as the Rapporteur of the Committee on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men.

Addressing the Standing Committee, Elvira Kovacs stressed that psychological violence in intimate relationships is a widespread type of violence. It can take a variety of forms, such as verbal abuse, shouting, threatening behaviour, harassment, constant criticism, recrimination, ridicule, isolating the victim, impeding independent activities, depriving of means of subsistence and economic independence, threatening to kill loved ones and destroy property. It results in placing the victim in a position of subjugation. The effects of psychological violence are lasting and difficult to overcome. They include depression, panic attacks, sleeping difficulties and anxiety. The victims often do not report psychological violence to the authorities in charge due to social and economic concerns, fear of revenge, but also because in time they get accustomed to the violence and feel guilty for causing it. Sometimes they are afraid for their own and their children’s safety. They often lack sufficient information on victims’ rights, suffer from low self-esteem and blame themselves for what they are going through.


Therefore, more effort should be invested into raising public awareness on the phenomenon of psychological violence. The Council of Europe member states should provide adequate training on psychological violence for judges and prosecutors. Medical professionals should also receive adequate training to be able to recognise the signs of psychological and domestic violence, concluded Elvira Kovacs.

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