Monday, 11 December 2006

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly members meet Serbian delegation to OSCE PA

A delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA), headed by its Speaker, Göran Lennmarker, today met the Serbian National Assembly’s delegation to OSCE PA, chaired by its head, Suzana Grubjesic.

A delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PA), headed by its Speaker, Göran Lennmarker, today met the Serbian National Assembly’s delegation to OSCE PA, chaired by its head, Suzana Grubjesic.
Mr Lennmarker expressed pleasure at the active participation of Serbia’s parliamentary delegation in the work of the OSCE Assembly, underlining its importance at the moment when ‘we are all building a joint Europe.’ ‘We all have the right to be in Europe, but, to achieve it, we must meet standards prevailing in that community,’ Mr Lennmarker stressed. He added that the aim was ‘to build a Europe where borders do exist, but are not obstacles’ – a fact particularly important for Serbia, a country whose population does not live entirely within its borders.

Lennmarker emphasised that the aim of his visit was to learn about the political situation in Serbia on the eve of parliamentary elections to be held on 21 January 2007, as well as to give assistance to Serbia on its road to Europe. He added that ‘Belgrade was as European a city as my hometown, Stockholm,’ going on to say that many countries were interested in sending monitors to oversee the elections, as well as that he would personally lead the OSCE PA election monitoring mission. Lennmarker also hailed the adoption of Serbia’s new Constitution, as well as efforts to improve democracy, rule of law, protection of human and minority rights – all resulting from activities of the National Assembly and the Serbian Government.
Underlining the importance of this visit for Serbia’s European integrations, Ms Grubjesic said that OSCE was ‘synonymous with Europe’s political and security unity.’ Since its formation in June 2006, the Serbian delegation to OSCE PA – as well as other Serbian delegations to other international organisations – are endeavouring to make sure Serbia was positioned as favourably as possible in the international community. Serbia’s delegation at OSCE PA has drafted a resolution on regional cross-border co-operation in South-Eastern Europe, which it will present at the Assembly’s annual sitting in July 2007. She stressed that parliamentary diplomacy could contribute a great deal to Serbia’s global co-operation with the European Union, especially in the light of upcoming elections and the solution of the issue of Kosovo and Metohia.

Ms Grubjesic said that it was Serbia’s major interest to continue negotiating the stabilisation and accession agreement with the European Union as soon as possible, as well as to continue talks on the future status of Kosovo and Metohia. She reiterated that the state of Serbia was in favour of a compromise and sustainable solution, as well as one that would be acceptable to both the Serbian and the ethnic Albanian side.

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