1 July 2021 The National Assembly Speaker in meeting with the Turkish Ambassador to Serbia

1 July 2021 The National Assembly Speaker in meeting with the Turkish Ambassador to Serbia

Thursday, 1 July 2021

National Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic Meets with Turkish Ambassador to Serbia

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic received today in a courtesy visit Turkish Ambassador to Serbia Hami Aksoy, who began his mandate in April.

Saying that the bilateral relations between Serbia and Turkey are at a high level, Ivica Dacic vowed to, in his capacity as National Assembly Speaker, try to further improve them by strengthening parliamentary cooperation.

Ambassador Aksoy also expressed his intention to actively contribute to the bilateral relations between the two countries during his term. He pointed out that the cooperation between Serbia and Turkey has advanced a lot thanks to the presidents of the two countries and their friendly relations, as well as to the direct contacts and friendship between the two peoples.

The officials agreed that the political dialogue has been very intensive in recent years and that the same can be said for economic cooperation, bearing in mind that economic exchange has almost doubled in the last four years. They were confident in their assessment that the cooperation between the two countries would continue to develop in all areas and reach the level of strategic cooperation.

It was agreed to intensify contacts and visits between parliamentary friendship groups and parliamentary committees, as well as for National Assembly Speaker Ivica Dacic to visit Turkey in September this year, if the epidemiological situation allows it.

The National Assembly Speaker wished Ambassador Aksoy a successful mandate in Serbia.

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