29 November 2022 The members of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee in meeting with the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

29 November 2022 The members of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee in meeting with the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

National Assembly Foreign Affairs Committee Meets with Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada Foreign Affairs Committee

The members of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee spoke today, via video call, with the members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine about the current situation in Ukraine.

At the very beginning of the meeting, Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Borko Stefanovic emphasised to his Ukrainian colleagues that Serbia strongly condemned the Russian Federation's attack on the sovereign territory of Ukraine, expressing satisfaction that the two countries have continued to cooperate in the difficult situation Ukraine finds itself in. He pointed out that, above all, Serbia advocates for the preservation of peace and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of every state, as well as respect for international law and Resolution 1244.

The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Merezhko explained the current situation the Ukrainian population finds itself in, pointing out that all the MPs, regardless of political affiliation, have a united position on their country's foreign policy. He thanked Serbia for condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine at the session of the United Nations General Assembly, and especially Borko Stefanovic for the proposed resolution on aligning the foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia with the foreign policy of the European Union in the form of restrictive measures towards the Russian Federation. Merezhko went on to say that Ukraine is in dire need of humanitarian aid in almost all areas, adding that the world being aware of the real picture and current events is of strategic importance for Ukraine.

Foreign Affairs Committee Deputy Chairperson Marina Ragus took the opportunity to list all the resolutions and decisions that Serbia supported at the international level, drawing attention to the fact that Serbia firmly adheres to international public and legal norms which guarantee the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all the members of the United Nations.

At the end of the meeting, Stefanovic stressed that Serbia is a sovereign country that desires to join the European Union, as does Ukraine, and that it would continue to make its political stands in a democratic way, through dialogue and within the competent institutions.

In addition to Borko Stefanovic and Marina Ragus, the meeting was also attended by Committee members Dubravka Filipovski, Dunja Simonovic-Bratic, MA Ivan Kostic, Ugljesa Markovic and Dr Djordje Miketic.

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