11 December 2019 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic speaks at the opening of conference “The World in 2020”

11 December 2019 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic speaks at the opening of conference “The World in 2020”

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Marinkovic at Opening of Conference “The World in 2020”

Speaking at the opening of conference “The World in 2020” at the National Assembly House, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic opined that today’s dialogue would assist in the adoption of quality legislation in the interest of improving the economy. He mentioned the country’s admirable economic growth, 4.7% in the third quarter with 3.5 billion EUR of direct investment.

Marinkovic said that we live in turbulent times facing a multitude of geopolitical challenges which make the fight for our country, interests and economy very important. He said that the National Assembly would continue to work on passing legislation concerning economic growth and the Euro-integration process in the best interest of the country and its citizens.

“Employment, economic growth and regional stability are Serbia’s chief goals as evidenced by President Aleksandar Vucic’s initiative for “mini-Schengen”. Technological development and investment into education, science and innovation will make us a modern European state” said Marinkovic, opining that this is a sure way to keep young people in the country.

Speaking of new trends, Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Zoran Djordjevic said that they will primarily be reflected in the sphere of social policy and labour. Jobs of the future require an educated and highly-qualified workforce which is one of the reasons for the Ministry’s intensive efforts to advance regulatory policy in the sphere in line with EU principles.

Minister without portfolio responsible for innovation and technological development Nenad Popovic said that technology and the society are interdependent, bound by strong mutual ties, adding that artificial intelligence is making inroads in all social spheres. Innovation is a key social component based on knowledge, he said, crucial for the economic development of Europe and the world as a whole, adding that technology and innovation are among the Government’s political priorities.

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Sem Fabrizi, Director of the Office for Human and Minority Rights Suzana Paunovic, Deputy Mayor of Belgrade Goran Vesic and the Head of the European Investment Bank Western Balkans Regional Office Dubravka Negre also spoke at the opening of the conference.

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  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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