7 February 2018 MPs Elvira Kovacs and Dr Vladimir Orlic meet a delegation of Junge Union (Young Union) from Lower Saxony

7 February 2018 MPs Elvira Kovacs and Dr Vladimir Orlic meet a delegation of Junge Union (Young Union) from Lower Saxony

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

MPs Elvira Kovacs and Dr Vladimir Orlic Meet With Delegation of Junge Union from Lower Saxony

MPs Elvira Kovacs and Dr Vladimir Orlic met with a delegation of Junge Union (Young Union) from Lower Saxony at the National Assembly today to discuss Serbia’s European integration and the current political situation in the country.

MPs Kovacs and Orlic briefed the representatives of the organization comprised by the youth of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Christian Social Union (CSU) on the National Assembly’s legislative activities relating to the European integration efforts. They said that the majority of MPs are in favour of European integration which is Serbia’s primary foreign policy goal. Serbia’s EU accession by 2025 is an ambitious but achievable goal, said Elvira Kovacs stressing that strong support for the EU itself is essential for the achievement of said goal. Dr Vladimir Orlic emphasized the importance of Germany’s clear and principled support of Serbia’s path to the EU.

Speaking of the Serbian citizens’ support of European integration, MP Kovacs said that according to the Ministry for European Integration’s most recent research, 52% of the people are in favour of European integration which is a satisfactory percentage. Dr Vladimir Orlic said that popular support also depends on the signals Serbia receives from the European Union and it rises every time a new negotiation chapter is opened as a positive signal from the EU.

The status and rights of the national minorities in Serbia were also among the topics discussed at the meeting, as well as the migrant crisis and Serbia and Germany’s response to its challenges.

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