Thursday, 17 November 2011

Hundred and Fourth Sitting of the Administrative Committee

At the sitting, held on 17 November, the Administrative Committee adopted the decisions on fines for the reprimands issued for disturbing the order at the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Extraordinary Sessions of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011 and the Second Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011 to MPs Dobrislav Prelic, Vjerica Radeta, Zoran Krasic, Sulejman Spaho, Petar Jojic, Radisa Ilic and Nemanja Sarovic, amounting to 404 151 RSD total.

The Committee decided to direct the funds from the National Assembly’s Solidarity Fund to the Belgrade Neonatology Institute, for the purchase of baby respirators.

At the sitting, the Administrative Committee began its deliberations on the Rulebook on Internal Organisation and Job Systematisation at the National Assembly Service, for the purpose of giving consent to the act.

Secretary General Veljko Odalovic explained that the new Law on the National Assembly and Rules of Procedure, as well as other laws, have significantly increased the National Assembly’s duties and the scope of its working bodies. So as to ensure a high quality and efficiency in the performance their duties, the MPs need appropriate expert support and a more up-to-date organisation of the NA Service, mainly introducing e-parliament and state-of-the-art information systems and modernising other parts of the service.

According to the Rulebook, passed by the Secretary General with the consent of the Administrative Committee, the National Assembly Service and the jobs within it should be adjusted to the Service’s new structures established by the Decision on the organisation and work of the National Assembly Service, stressed Secretary General Veljko Odalovic.

The members of the Administrative Committee had several objections and suggestions to the proposed Rulebook. They stressed that the National Assembly needed more expert advisors as the current number of employees at the parliamentary groups was insufficient. They proposed that the rulebook include the employment, full of temporary, of 34 highly expert advisers with the title of senior offices to work directly with the MPs at the parliamentary groups and committees, preparing analyses and other materials for their needs. They also proposed that the number of administrative secretaries be raised from 17 to 25.

The Committee members pointed out the discrepancy between the professional degree and qualifications in certain important positions in the National Assembly Service and the actual needs and potential to contribute to the work of the MPs and working bodies.

The Administrative Committee shall continue the debate on the Rulebook on Internal Organisation and Job Systematisation at the National Assembly Service at the next sitting.

The sitting was chaired by the Administrative Committee Chairman, Nenad Konstantinovic.

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wednesday, 18 september
  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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