Thursday, 29 March 2012

Forty-Seventh Sitting of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija

At its 47th sitting held on 29 March, the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija considered the Conclusions on the adoption of the Report on the current course of negotiations with the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina and agreement reached on regional representation and cooperation and the “Arrangement on regional representation and cooperation”.

At the beginning of the proceedings, Committee Chairman Ljubomir Kragovic concluded the 45th Committee sitting where the Committee members were unable to discuss this item on the agenda and the continuation of which had been postponed twice since none of the invited Government representatives were in attendance.
On 22 March the Government adopted the Report on the current course of negotiations with the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina and agreement reached on regional representation and cooperation, thus meeting the necessary requirements and making it possible to discuss the regional representation of Kosovo at the current sitting.
The session was attended by the head of the negotiating team Borislav Stefanovic and Assistant Minister of Kosovo-Metohija Dragan Petkovic. Addressing the Committee members, Stefanovic restated that the agreement reached on the representation of Kosovo was in compliance with the Serbian Constitution and Resolution 1244 and that it makes it possible for Kosovo to be represented asymmetrically i.e. unequally at regional gatherings. To the criticisms that the agreement on the regional representation of Kosovo takes Serbia one step closer to recognising the independence of the southern province, the head of the negotiating team responded by saying that Serbia in no way did that in the negotiations in Brussels.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Ljubomir Kragovic.

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