Thursday, 15 December 2011

Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, convened the Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011 for Thursday, 15 December 2011, starting at 10 am.

The National Assembly set the following agenda:

1. Bill amending and modifying the Law on Unified Voters’ List, submitted by the Government;

2. Bill on Cinematography, submitted by the Government;

3. Bill amending the Law on Housing, submitted by the Government;

4. Bill amending the Law on Stimulating the Construction Industry of the Republic of Serbia in response to the new Conditions of the Economic Crisis, submitted by the Government;

5. Bill amending and modifying the Business Registers Agency Law, submitted by the Government;

6. Bill on the Registration Procedure at the Business Registers Agency, submitted by the Government;

7. Bill amending and modifying the Company Law, submitted by the Government;

8. Bill amending and modifying the Law on Takeover of Joint Stock Companies, submitted by the Government;

9. Bill amending the Insurance Law, submitted by the Government;

10. Bill on the indebtedness of the Republic of Serbia to Komercijalna banka a.d. Belgrade for the purpose of buying the Aeroengineering building and performance of works necessary for the needs of housing the First Basic Court in Belgrade, submitted by the Government;

11. Bill on the Confirmation of the Loan and Programme Agreement for the Programme for “Rehabilitation of Remote Heating System in Serbia – Phase IV” of 45,000,000 EUR between KfW, Frankfurt am Main and the Republic of Serbia, submitted by the Government;

12. Bill on the Confirmation of the Loan and Financing Agreement between KfW, Frankfurt am Main and the Republic of Serbia of up to 25,000,000 EUR for the "Water Supply and Sewerage Programme in Medium-sized Municipalities in Serbia II – Phase 2”, submitted by the Government;

13. Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement amending and modifying the Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and European Investment Bank on the Foundation and Activities of the European Investment Bank Regional Office in the Republic of Serbia, submitted by the Government;

14. Bill on the Confirmation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey in the Fight against Grave Criminal Offenses, Particularly Terrorism and Organised Crime, submitted by the Government;

15. Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on the Travelling Conditions for the Citizens of the Two Countries, submitted by the Government;

16. Bill on the Confirmation of the Cooperation Agreement in the Fight Against Organised Crime, International Illegal Drug Trade and International Terrorism between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, submitted by the Government;

17. Bill on the Confirmation of the Social Security Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Bulgaria, submitted by the Government;

18. Bill on the Confirmation of the Adoption of Uniform Technical Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Installed in and/or Used on Wheeled Vehicles and Conditions for Mutual Recognition of Homologation Assigned under these Regulations, submitted by the Government;

19. Proposal of the Decision Granting Consent to the Financial Plan of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia for 2011, submitted by the National Assembly’s Industry Committee;

20. Proposal of the Decision Granting Consent to the Financial Plan of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia for 2012, submitted by the National Assembly’s Industry Committee;

21. Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Constitutional Court, submitted by the Government.

At the beginning of the proceedings, the heads i.e. authorised representatives of the parliamentary groups Arpad Fremond, Slobodan Samardzic, Jovan Damjanovic, Zlata Djeric, Zoran Ostojic, Nikola Novakovic, Nemanja Sarovic, Gojko Radic and Meho Omerovic requested information and explanations in line with article 286 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure.

The National Assembly accepted the proposal of MP Jelena Trivan to complete a joint debate in principle on items 3 and 4, joint debate in principle on items 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, joint debate in principle and unified debate on items 10 to 13 on the agenda, joint unified debate on items 14 to 18 and a joint unified debate on items 19 and 20 on the agenda for the sitting.

The Chair, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gordana Comic, informed the MPs that Government member Bozidar Djelic, who performed the duty of Deputy Prime Minister, had resigned. Deputy Speaker Comic added that, pursuant to article 278, paragraph 4 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure, the term of office of a Government member is terminated on the date the National Assembly has noted the Government member has resigned.

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gordana Comic informed the MPs that part of the sitting was being observed from the gallery of the Grand Hall of the National Assembly House by the students and professors of the Nada Dimic School of Economics from Zemun and greeted them on the behalf of the MPs and herself.

Before recess, the National Assembly completed a debate in principle on the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Unified Voters’ List which was elaborated on the behalf of the submitter by Minister of Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government Milan Markovic.

By the end of the first day, the National Assembly had conducted and concluded a debate in principle on the Bill on Cinematography, elaborated by Minister of Culture, Media and Information Society Predrag Markovic.

On the second day of work, 16 December, before recess, the National Assembly conducted and concluded a joint debate in principle on the Bill amending the Law on Housing and the Bill amending the Law on Stimulating the Construction Industry of the Republic of Serbia in response to the new Conditions of the Economic Crisis. The Bills were elaborated by Minister of Environment, Mining and Spatial Planning Oliver Dulic.

In the continuation, the National Assembly conducted a joint debate in principle on the Bill amending and modifying the Business Registers Agency Law, Bill on the Registration Procedure at the Business Registers Agency, Bill amending and modifying the Company Law, Bill amending and modifying the Law on Takeover of Joint Stock Companies and the Bill amending the Insurance Law. The first three Bills were presented by Deputy Prime Minister Verica Kalanovic.

By the end of the day, the National Assembly had concluded the joint debate in principle on these items on the agenda.

At the beginning of the proceedings on the third day of work, the heads i.e. authorised representatives of the parliamentary groups, MPs Riza Halimi, Zeljko Tomic, Jorgovanka Tabakovic, Nebojsa Randjelovic, Dejan Mirovic and Maja Lausevic requested information and explanations in line with article 286 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure.

In the morning part of the proceedings, the Chair, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gordana Comic greeted the students of the Belgrade Business SchoolCollege of Vocational Studies who observed part of the sitting from the gallery of the Grand Hall, on the behalf of the MPs and herself.

Before recess, the National Assembly conducted and completed a joint debate in principle and unified debate on items 10 to 13 on the agenda and a joint unified debate on items 14 to 18 on the agenda for the sitting.

After recess, the National Assembly completed a joint unified debate on items 19 and 20 on the agenda for the sitting.

On the fourth day of work, 21 December, the National Assembly conducted a debate in principle on the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Constitutional Court.

The Bill was explained by Minister of Justice Snezana Malovic.

Before recess, the National Assembly completed the debate in principle on the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Constitutional Court.

After recess, the Chair, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Nikola Novakovic informed the MPs that part of the sitting was being viewed from the gallery of the Grand Hall by the best high-school students from Odzaci, as well as the President of the Odzaci Municipal Assembly, and greeted them on the behalf of the MPs and himself.

By the end of the day the National Assembly had also completed a debate in detail on the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Unified Voters’ List and the Bill on Cinematography.

On the fifth day of work, 22 December, in the morning part of the proceedings, the National Assembly completed a debate in detail on the Bill amending the Law on Housing and the Bill amending the Law on Stimulating the Construction Industry of the Republic of Serbia in response to the new Conditions of the Economic Crisis.

The National Assembly went on to conduct and conclude a debate in detail on the Bill amending and modifying the Business Registers Agency Law, Bill on the Registration Procedure at the Business Registers Agency, Bill amending and modifying the Company Law, Bill amending and modifying the Law on Takeover of Joint Stock Companies and the Bill amending the Insurance Law.

At the beginning of the proceedings, the heads i.e. authorised representatives of the parliamentary groups, MPs Zeljko Tomic, Bozidar Delic, Bojan Djuric, Srdjan Spasojevic and Jorgovanka Tabakovic requested information and explanations in line with article 286 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure.

In the course of the proceedings, the Chair, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gordana Comic greeted the members of the cultural artistic society from Petrovac-upon-Mlava who observed part of the sitting from the gallery of the Grand Hall.

On the sixth day of work, 23 December, the National Assembly completed a debate in detail on the Bill on the indebtedness of the Republic of Serbia to Komercijalna banka a.d. Belgrade for the purpose of buying the Aeroengineering building and performance of works necessary for the needs of housing the First Basic Court in Belgrade.

By the end of the day, the National Assembly had conducted and concluded a debate in detail on the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Constitutional Court.

As the National Assembly had completed the debate on all the items on the agenda, National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gorana Comic set Monday, 26 December 2011, as Voting Day on the items on the agenda for the Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011, starting at 10 am.

Voting Day

On Voting Day, 26 December, by a majority of votes, the National Assembly adopted the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Unified Voters’ List, Bill on Cinematography, Bill amending the Law on Housing, Bill amending the Law on Stimulating the Construction Industry of the Republic of Serbia in response to the new Conditions of the Economic Crisis, Bill amending and modifying the Business Registers Agency Law, Bill on the Registration Procedure at the Business Registers Agency, Bill amending and modifying the Company Law, Bill amending and modifying the Law on Takeover of Joint Stock Companies, Bill amending the Insurance Law and the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Constitutional Court.

By a majority of votes, the National Assembly also adopted the Bill on the indebtedness of the Republic of Serbia to Komercijalna banka a.d. Belgrade for the purpose of buying the Aeroengineering building and performance of works necessary for the needs of housing the First Basic Court in Belgrade, ill on the Confirmation of the Loan and Programme Agreement for the Programme for “Rehabilitation of Remote Heating System in Serbia – Phase IV” of 45,000,000 EUR between KfW, Frankfurt am Main and the Republic of Serbia, Bill on the Confirmation of the Loan and Financing Agreement between KfW, Frankfurt am Main and the Republic of Serbia of up to 25,000,000 EUR for the "Water Supply and Sewerage Programme in Medium-sized Municipalities in Serbia II – Phase 2”.

By a majority of MPs’ votes, the National Assembly also adopted the Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement amending and modifying the Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and European Investment Bank on the Foundation and Activities of the European Investment Bank Regional Office in the Republic of Serbia, Bill on the Confirmation of the Cooperation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Turkey in the Fight against Grave Criminal Offenses, Particularly Terrorism and Organised Crime, Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on the Travelling Conditions for the Citizens of the Two Countries, Bill on the Confirmation of the Cooperation Agreement in the Fight Against Organised Crime, International Illegal Drug Trade and International Terrorism between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, Bill on the Confirmation of the Social Security Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Bulgaria and the Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement on the Adoption of Uniform Technical Regulations for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts which can be Installed in and/or Used on Wheeled Vehicles and Conditions for Mutual Recognition of Homologation Assigned under these Regulations.

The National Assembly also adopted the Proposal of the Decision Granting Consent to the Financial Plan of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia for 2011, submitted by the Industry Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the Proposal of the Decision Granting Consent to the Financial Plan of the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia for 2012, submitted by the National Assembly’s Industry Committee.

In the course of the voting, National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic informed the MPs that she had set Monday, 26 December 2011, as Voting Day on the items on the agenda for the Eleventh Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011, starting at 12 pm.

On Voting Day, the National Assembly also ruled on the violations of the Rules of Procedure the MPs complained of in the course of the sitting and decided that none of the articles of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure had been violated.

As the National Assembly had completed the discussion on all the items on the agenda for the sitting and ruled on them, National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic Dejanovic concluded the Fifth Sitting of the Second Regular Session of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia in 2011.

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