Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Fifth Sitting of the Committee on Labour, Social Issues, Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction

At the sitting held on 7 December 2022, the Committee on Labour, Social Issues, Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction considered the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance, submitted by the Government, in detail.

The Government and the Committee rejected both the amendments submitted to the Bill amending the Law on Pension and Disability Insurance.

The sitting was attended by Zoran Milosevic, Acting Assistant Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairperson Sandra Bozic, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: MA Danijela Vujicic, Stefan Adzic, Prof. Dr Tamara Milenkovic Kerkovic, Ivan Antic, Zeljko Veselinovic, Dragana Lukic, Zsombor Ujvari, Borisav Kovacevic, Prof. Dr Andreja Savic, Dr Tatjana Jovanovic, Gorica Gajic, Olja Petrovic and Prof. Dr Zoran Dragisic.

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wednesday, 18 september
  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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