5 May 2017 The Chairman of the European Integration Committee in meeting with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia

5 May 2017 The Chairman of the European Integration Committee in meeting with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia

Friday, 5 May 2017

European Integration Committee Chairman Meets with Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia

European Integration Committee Chairman Nenad Canak met today with the Cypriot Ambassador in Belgrade H.E. Constantinos Eliades to discuss intensifying the cooperation between the parliamentary committees and the Cypriot support of Serbia’s European integration process.

First off, Committee Chairman Nenad Canak stressed that he intended to work on improving cooperation with the national parliaments of the European Union member states as well as the countries in the region. He thanked Cyprus for the assistance it extends to the Republic of Serbia in the European integration process and the EU accession talks. Canak said he was sure the Republic of Cyprus absolutely understands Serbia’s challenges as regards Kosovo-Metohija, underlining the exceptionally well-developed and historically good relations between Serbia and Cyprus.

H.E. Constantinos Eliades congratulated Nenad Canak on being elected Chairman of the European Integration Committee and went on to affirm the importance of the relations between the two countries, stressing that their bilateral relations are excellent and that the two countries’ friendship is bolstered by similar history. The Ambassador stated that the Republic of Cyprus respects Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and that all problems and outstanding issues must be resolved in line with the tenets of international law. The Ambassador said that the European Union and all of its members states are committed to the Western Balkan’s European path and commended Serbia’s progress in the EU accession talks.

The officials agreed that, despite the challenges plaguing the European Union, the European project is the most significant peace project after World War Two. They reaffirmed that peace, stability and prosperity are the common goals of the EU member states and the Western Balkans.

The Ambassador conveyed an invitation by the Cypriot Parliament’s Committee on Foreign and European Affairs to the European Integration Committee, which the Chairman was most pleased to accept. They concluded that there is ample room to expand interparliamentary cooperation and partnership in Serbia’s EU accession process.

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wednesday, 18 september
  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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