7 June 2021 Participants of the meeting

7 June 2021 Participants of the meeting

Monday, 7 June 2021

Elvira Kovacs and Representatives of Think Balkans Consortium Discuss Regional Cooperation and European Integration

National Assembly Deputy Speaker and Chairperson of the European Integration Committee Elvira Kovacs met today at the National Assembly with representatives of the Think Balkans consortium to discuss the Committee and National Assembly’s role in Serbia’s European integration.

Elvira Kovacs said that the Committee assesses the compliance of the bills to be considered at a National Assembly session with European legislation. The Committee also gives opinions on Serbia’s negotiating position proposals for the Negotiation Chapters, she said adding that cooperation with the non-governmental organisations gathered in the National Convention on the EU also plays an important role. Parliamentary diplomacy is another significant part of the European Integration Committee’s work both through meetings of COSAC (Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union) and through bilateral cooperation with parliamentarians.

The guests informed Elvira Kovacs about the Think Balkans consortium, which consists of ten partner organisations, four from the Visegrad Group and six from the Western Balkans. They deal with regional cooperation and European integration of our region, through cooperation with state institutions, and their work is supported by the Visegrad Fund and the Western Balkans Fund. Through projects and cooperation, mostly with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, they work on developing a common regional view on regional topics of general interest.

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