16 July 2015 The Economic Caucus visits Cajetina and Uzice

16 July 2015 The Economic Caucus visits Cajetina and Uzice

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Economic Caucus Visits Cajetina and Uzice

The members of the National Assembly Economic Caucus and the representatives of NALED and IRI, met with representatives of the local self-government and entrepreneurs from Cajetina and Uzice.

The MPs said they were ready to work on improving the business environment and promoting uniform regional development by amending and modifying the existing legislation and passing new regulations. They also said that they would serve as a bridge toward the executive power and relevant ministries so that the problems in the economy could swiftly be dealt with.

The participants of the meeting concluded that the parliament and government’s key objective is to save the existing jobs and infrastructure which would lead to an increase in foreign investments and facilitate the operation of domestic enterprises and the realisation of their export arrangements. They also discussed the work of the customs office, tourist inspection and the amendments and modifications to the Law on Local Self-Government and the Law on Companies. They agreed to intensify the meeting dynamics between the MPs and the entrepreneurs from the region and together work toward boosting the volume of export of the companies operating in it.

Dusan Vasiljevic of USAID presented the drafting methodology of the World Bank’s “Doing business” list to the Caucus members and the opportunities Serbia has to win a better position on the list which is an important parameter the best global investors take into consideration when making investment decisions.

Barbara Brummel of IRI drafted and presented the Caucus’ Communication Plan which was unanimously adopted. The Communication Plan includes a newsletter, regular press conferences and setting up a twitter account so as to better keep the public informed on the activities of the Economic Caucus. The members of the Caucus agreed that expanding the partnership with NGOs, think-tanks, professional associations and chambers is the key to fully meeting its objectives and contributing to economic development, investments and employment.

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