27 November 2017 Signing of the Protocol on the establishment of the Commission for Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Chinese National People's Congress

27 November 2017 Signing of the Protocol on the establishment of the Commission for Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Chinese National People's Congress

Monday, 27 November 2017

China-Serbia Parliamentary Commission

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic and the Chairman of the Chinese National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang signed a Protocol on the establishment of a Commission for Cooperation between the National Assembly and the Chinese National People's Congress, a joint parliamentary body set up to help strengthen the friendly relations between the two countries.

The Commission is the result of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two parliaments signed in July of this year, during the visit of the Chairman of the Chinese National People's Congress to Serbia, under the auspices of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Serbia and China and their commitment to expand political, economic, social and cultural relations.

The newly-established parliamentary commission comprising members of both parliaments will meet regularly to discuss topics of mutual interest and inspire cooperation within the One Belt One Road initiative, as well as create the right legal and political environment to better coordinate the two countries' development strategies.

Among other things the Commission would work on coordinating the efforts to champion causes of mutual interest in international parliamentary organizations.

Gojkovic is visiting the People’s Republic of China at the invitation of the Chairman of the Chinese National People's Congress Zhang Dejiang.

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