20 February 2024 MP Dejan Bulatovic receives Tamara and Tatjana Djekic

20 February 2024 MP Dejan Bulatovic receives Tamara and Tatjana Djekic

Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Bulatovic Receives Tatjana and Tamara Djekic

MP Dejan Bulatovic received today, in the National Assembly House, Tamara and Tatjana Djekic, girls from Slovenia, who preserve Serbian tradition and culture with their songs, accompanied, in addition to their parents, by Vladimir Kokanovic, President of the Association of Serbs of Slovenia.

At the beginning of the meeting, Bulatovic pointed out that Tatjana and Tamara are a true example of fostering Serbian tradition and preserving its heritage. "I am proud to have you as my guests today and to have the opportunity to meet you who help us preserve our national identity together. The doors of the National Assembly are open to all who want to participate in this effort," said Bulatovic. He added that Tatjana and Tamara represent the future of preserving Serbian culture and heritage and that the people represent the heart of a nation, no matter where they live, as long as they cherish its traditions. He also thanked Kokanovic for his commitment to striving for the recognition of the Serbian national minority on the territory of Slovenia. He stressed that the President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, advocates for the preservation of the Serbian identity across the planet, an effort also supported by the National Assembly at the institutional level.

Vladimir Kokanovic thanked the MP for the reception, saying that the Association of Serbs of Slovenia is resolutely committed to the preservation of Serbian tradition and culture and the preservation and maintenance of the Serbian national identity on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. "The support we feel from Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic has sustained us and given us the strength to survive, and now we are trying to leave a mark and show the direction to be followed in order to protect our rich culture," said Kokanovic and asked Bulatovic to convey greetings to MP Dr Vladimir Orlic, who had, during his tenure as National Assembly Speaker, visited the Republic of Slovenia and discussed the position of Serbs in that country.

A tour of the National Assembly building was arranged for Tamara and Tatjana Djekic so as to bring them as close as possible to Serbian history, and the girls sang the anthem of the Republic of Serbia "God of Justice" in return for the audience.

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