Wednesday, 29 January 2014

31st Sitting of the Committee on Education, Science, Technological Development and the Information Society

At the sitting held on 29 January, the Committee on Education, Science, Technological Development and the Information Society discussed the Petition of the students who enrolled in undergraduate studies before the current Law on Higher Education came into force (10 September 2005), formulated the candidate list for the election of a National Education Council member and had a presentation on the Draft Law amending and modifying the Law on Prevention of Doping in Sports.

Prof. Dr Marko Atlagic provided the rationale on the Petition signed by about 3700 students who enrolled in undergraduate studies before the current Law on Higher Education came into force. He listed the fact that the faculties did not introduce studies according to the Bologna Declaration at the same time and the students’ financial situation as the main reasons why the members of the Committee on Education, Science, Technological Development and the Information Society should endorse the Petition.
Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development Dr Tomislav Jovanovic said that the Ministry had already taken certain steps toward overcoming the problems caused by the switch to Bologna study model. He met with the university rectors and suggested that these students be granted more exam periods and additional consultations at the faculties if necessary.
The Committee unanimously endorsed the Petition asking for an amendment to article 123, paragraph 5 of the Law on Higher Education which would allow undergraduate students and college students enrolled according to the previous curriculum, no matter what year the enrolled in, before or after the Law had come into force, to be granted the right to complete their studies according to the curriculum they originally followed.
The Committee formulated a candidate list bearing two names: Ivan Kovacevic from Belgrade and Blazo Perovic from Subotica to forward to the National Assembly to conduct the procedure for the election of a National Education Council member from the ranks of the Association of Employers, to a term ending on 15 March 2015.
The presentation on the Draft Law amending and modifying the Law on Prevention of Doping in Sports was attended by Minister of Youth and Sport Vanja Udovicic and associates.
Representative of the Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia Bojan Vajagic explained the importance of adjusting the Law on Sports to the World Anti-Doping Code and the Copenhagen Declaration.
In the course of the debate, the Committee members were particularly interested in how to improve school and university sports and in the supervision of sports workers in charge of children.
Minister Udovicic said that the Ministry of Youth and Sport is hard at work on all these issues and is currently realising a university basketball and volleyball league pilot project.
The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Prof. Dr Miodrag Stojkovic.

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thursday, 19 september
  • 12.00 - sitting of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 13.00 - the Deputy Chairman of the European Integration Committee meets with a member of Bundestag (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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