Thursday, 12 November 2015

12th Sitting of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region

At the 12th sitting, held on 12 November, the members of the Committee on the Diaspora and Serbs in the Region elected Goran Bogdanovic of the Boris Tadic – Social Democratic Party, Together for Serbia, Greens of Serbia Parliamentary Group, Committee Chairman.

The Committee was then briefed on the Committee members’ activities in the previous period. In the discussion, it was suggested that more Committee members should join the delegations meeting with representatives of the diaspora, and especially Serbs in the region. The Committee also insisted on the presence of representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at its sittings and it also agreed that it should speak out and condemn the attacks on Serbian students in Croatia.

Committee member Milorad Stosic then presented the Report on the Committee delegation’s visit to the Republic of Slovenia, 7-9 October 2015.

Committee Deputy Chairman Miodrag Linta informed the Committee members about the Committee’s cooperation with the Central Council of Serbs in Germany, while the Vice-President of the Central Council of Serbs in Germany Milan Cobanov proceeded to talk about the Serbian diaspora in Germany, their structure and organisation, institutional presence, assimilation, the Council’s projects, initiatives and other.

Finally, Committee Deputy Chairman Miodrag Linta informed the Committee members that the Committee would be hosting a Romanian parliamentary delegation on 19 November and invited the Committee members to attend the meeting.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Deputy Chairman Miodrag Linta.

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