25 March 2024 The participants of the meeting

25 March 2024 The participants of the meeting

Monday, 25 March 2024

Torbica and Komlenski Speak to Cuban MP About Continuing Interparliamentary Cooperation

MPs Bojan Torbica and Djordje Komlenski met today at the National Assembly with Cuban MP Fernando Gonzales Llort to discuss the importance of continuing good interparliamentary cooperation.

Stressing that the relations between Serbia and Cuba are at an exceptional level, Bojan Torbica mentioned that the current National Assembly legislature is in the process of setting up a Parliamentary Friendship Group with Cuba, for which there is always great interest among the MPs, which in turn confirms our commitment to nurture and advance interparliamentary contacts.

Torbica thanked the Cuban MP for visiting Serbia on the 25th anniversary of the NATO aggression, adding that our two countries have for decades been fighting to remain independent, autonomous and follow their own way. He opined that by mutual cooperation we can help protect our states and peoples.

In the course of the meeting, Bojan Torbica thanked Cuba for the principled position that Serbia must remain an undivided and unified state, while Fernando Gonzales Llort stressed that Cuba would continue to support Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Llort informed his hosts in detail on the impact of the 62 years of economic and political sanctions against Cuba, which had become even more severe in the last few years. He said that Cuba has been denied access to vital resources and trade with other countries, adding that being put on the list of countries that support terrorism has had severe political and economic consequences on Cuba.

The Cuban MP thanked the PFG with Cuba for its constant support and solidarity, stressing that they should continue to work on developing cooperation in areas of bioenergy, pharmacy, higher education, as well as culture, entrepreneurship and agriculture, through which Serbia would lend strong support to the recovery of Cuban economy.

Torbica and Komlenski expressed understanding for the situation in Cuba caused by the long years of sanctions, stressing that Serbia’s experience of it has had far-reaching consequences on its economy.

The officials opined that we should work together to re-establish a multipolar world and strengthen the role of international law.

The meeting was attended by Cuban Ambassador to Serbia Leyde Ernesto Rodriguez Hernandez.

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tuesday, 18 june
  • 11.00 - sitting of the Committee on Finance, State Budget and Control of Public Spending (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 11.15 - visit of the attendants of the Advanced Security and Defence Studies to the National Assembly House (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square)

  • 13.00 - visit of students – winners of republic competitions in the fields of economy, law and tourism l to the National Assembly House (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square)

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