29 January 2024 Foreign Affairs Committee Deputy Chairperson Marina Ragus

29 January 2024 Foreign Affairs Committee Deputy Chairperson Marina Ragus

Monday, 29 January 2024

Artificial Intelligence Carries Risks, But Also Opportunities - Parliamentary Forum’s Main Message

Deputy Chairperson of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee and former Chairperson of the Subcommittee on the Information Society and Digitalisation, Marina Ragus is taking part in the Parliamentary Forum on Artificial Intelligence and Its Future Impacts, organised by the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The main topics at the forum are the impact of artificial intelligence on the creative and cultural industries, the impact of the artificial industry on the daily life of European citizens, the impact on education, the health sector and public administration. The meeting was opened by the President of the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital Region Rachid Madrane, President of the Parliament of Wallonia André Frédéric and the President of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation Rudy Demotte.

In her presentation, Marina Ragus pointed out that "artificial intelligence can improve the efficiency of public administration and the quality of services that the state provides to the citizens and the economy", adding that "this technology will shape the development of all segments of the economy and society in the future, and therefore have an impact on democracy and the work of national parliaments". She also warned that "in addition to potential advantages in the form of economic development and improvement of efficiency, the development of artificial intelligence also brings with it certain challenges, namely the protection of personal data, risk of inheriting bias and discriminatory factors from the data, reducing the need for existing workplaces and other ethical issues". She also pointed out that "Serbia was one of the 26 countries that adopted the Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy (for the period to 2025) in 2019."

In the previous mandate, the National Assembly set up the Subcommittee for Information Society and Digitalisation, which had, since its establishment in February 2021, dealt with digitalisation in our society and artificial intelligence, and held a public hearing on 19 January 2022 on the topic "Artificial Intelligence and Man in the New Digital Age". On the occasion, the participants discussed whether technology will rule people or benefit people, which was one of the parliamentary forum’s main dilemmas.

About fifty parliamentarians from twenty EU Member States, four countries states and Norway took part in this parliamentary meeting.

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